Supernatural ~Jeffrey Dean Morgan~

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So this one is gonna kinda be like the Walking Dead one I did, the only difference is that Jeffrey, Jensen, and Jared are not are though-Hoshi

~Your pov~

I jumped awake in my car and groaned, I was headed to New York because of a case when I pulled off for the night to sleep. I looked at my phone and saw it was six in the morning, 'all right...time to go' I mentally spoke as I yawned. I reached NYC by five in the morning, I pulled into the small cafe the victim would frequent. I got out of my car, "nice car" someone spoke as I looked over at who it was and stared at Jensen Ackles, even though he played a character, every hunter out there knew about the show Supernatural. "Thanks...I'd say the make and model...but you already know it" I smiled as Jeffrey and Jared walked out of the cafe, "1967 Chevy Impala...just like Sam and Deans" he said as I smiled, "oh you have no idea" I chuckled as I walked around to the back and opened the trunk. "Where'd you get it?" Jared asked as I sighed and stopped myself from opening the secret trunk underneath it. "Family car, passed down through the family until it reached me," I told them as they chuckled, Jensen looked at it and walked around and saw the symbols engraved on the trunk. I chewed on the inside of my mouth as he smiled. "You know it's just a show right? You don't need to have these" he said referring to the devil's traps, "so what? Just cause it's a show doesn't mean I can't like the way it looks" I said as he chuckled. 

"Fair point" he spoke as I looked at him, "is there something you guys need, or are you gonna sit there a judge me?" I asked as they stared at me, "nice car" he spoke as they left, Jeffrey stared at me as he walked off. 

~A few days later~

I kicked the door in, "drop!" I shouted to the three of them as they dropped to the ground and I shot the ghost with some rock salt from my pump-action shotgun. "Go! Go!" I yelled at them as they ran out of the house, I ran to my car, got in, and drove off with Jared, Jensen, and Jeffrey in the car with me. "What the shit?!" Jensen shouted, "shut up and listen to me!" I shouted as they grew quiet, "everything, and I mean everything that you three hunt in the show is real!" I said pulling into the parking lot of the hotel I was staying at. "So the show is based on true events?" Jared asked as I sighed and turned off my car, "no...just the creatures...demons, witches, ghosts...all of it" I told them as we got out. I walked around to the trunk, "I didn't get the damned devil's trap engraved in my car because I fucking like it" I said opening the trunk, I opened the secret hatch to reveal all my weapons and items to use against the supernatural creatures. "Holy..." Jensen spoke as they looked at it, "I'm a hunter..." I said grabbing a pistol and checking to see if it was fully loaded. I closed the trunk and walked into my hotel room. "Whoa..." Jared and Jeffrey spoke as they all looked around my room, "this is why I'm here..." I told them, "there have been reports of something following people, and then attacking them. All the victims have taken the same exact stretch of road..." I explained as they looked at the papers I had tacked up on the wall, "so..." Jeffrey started as I looked at him.

"How many other hunters are there?" he asked as he looked at me, "you really wanna know the answer to that?" I asked as he looked at my journal, I walked over and closed it. "Much like John...I don't like people looking at my journal" I told him, "and yes, all of us know who you guys are...every hunter out there knows what Supernatural the show is...I just got lucky and got an impala like the boys" I smiled to myself. " can we help?" Jensen asked as I blinked a few times, "who took this stretch of road?" I asked pointing at a road on the map of the city we were in, "I did" Jeffrey spoke as I looked at him, "okay..." I nodded. " if the next question is gonna be how to stop the spirit...I might stab one of y'all" I said as they chuckled. 

"Nope...we know what to do" Jensen spoke as I nodded, "now comes the really fun part that the show doesn't really let us see a whole lot of," I said grabbing some books. "Trying to find out what kinda spirit we're dealing with, and who it is..." I said handing them the books, "let's get to researching" I said as they groaned slightly, "you three said you wanted to help" I said as I opened my book. 

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