Snowstorm ~Jeffrey Dean Morgan~

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~Your pov~

I sighed as I listened to Metallica through my earbuds when my best friend sat down across from me, and I removed the earbuds. "What now?" I asked as smiled, "I know someone who can help you learn guitar" she told me as I arched an eyebrow. "Well, my friend knows someone," she told me as I sighed, "all right!" I said as she smiled, "c'mon, they're outside" she said as we got up, I drank my hot chocolate, grabbed my jacket, and slid it on as it started to snow. I followed her outside and saw some people taking pictures. "Hang on..." she spoke as we stopped, "thanks again!" some girls spoke as they walked off, "Jensen!" she shouted as Jensen Ackles and Jeffrey Dean Morgan looked at us with smiles, they walked up, "Y/n, meet Jeffrey and Jensen...Jeffrey agreed to teach you," she said as I looked at her, "really?" I asked as she nodded, "really? Because I figured John Winchester was good for one thing and that one thing was hunting monsters" I said as Jeffrey and Jensen asked, "that's not entirely true" she spoke as I furrowed my eyebrows, "you cannot justify the shitty dad..." I said as she rolled her eyes, "you've never liked John" she said as I shook my head, "nope! And I never will...don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of the show and of Jeffrey but let's be honest...the most dad thing John had ever done was sell his soul to save Dean" I said as she opened her mouth to say something. 

"Name one other thing he did that actually helped Sam and Dean," I said crossing my arms, "he told them about the Colt" Jensen said as I looked at him, "that he then proceeded to take after they got it," I said as they grew quiet, "gave Dean the impala" Isabella spoke as I looked at her, "that Dean helped him pick out," I said as she grew quiet. "I know!" Jeffrey spoke as I looked at him and he grew a smile, "he saves Dean from Azazel" he said, "okay, but in the end...he's not the one who killed yellow-eyes is he?" I asked as he chuckled and shook his head, "craaaazy! John is useless! I rest my case" I said as they all laughed. "Anyway, it's nice to meet both of you," I said as we shook hands, "so you're gonna teach me how to play guitar?" I asked Jeffrey as we walked around, Jensen and Isabelle had run ahead and into a candy shop. "That is the plan" he spoke as I smiled, "your place or mine?" I asked as he looked at me confused, "for the lessons" I said as he chuckled, "I thought you were...never mind, doesn't matter what I thought" he spoke, "uhm...either one, it doesn't matter. Do you own a guitar?" he asked as I shook my head, "good thing I've got a spare" he spoke as smiled. "Y/n! Come check out the size of this frigging lollipop" Izzy spoke as she dragged me into the store. 

I looked at the giant lollipop, "holy crap" I said, "also, don't ever say it like that again unless you're talking about a bear" I said as she chuckled. We looked around the candy store and I bought some Hershey Kisses, "wanna kiss?" I asked looking at Jeffrey who blinked a few times, "chocolate" I held one up, "oh! I was about to say, we only just met, at least buy me dinner first" he joked as I laughed, "sure" he nodded and I handed him the chocolate. He unwrapped the chocolate and popped it into his mouth. "Oh! Here..." he then handed me his phone, "put your number in and we can come up with a date for the lessons," he told me as I nodded and put my number in his phone, I then texted myself off his phone so I had his number. "I'll text you my address so we can just have the lessons there," I told him as he nodded.

~A few weeks later~

I had already had a few seasons with Jeffrey, at the current moment, I was laying on the couch in an oversized sweater and a pair of shorts, my hair was up in a messy bun, and I was watching the last few episodes of season six of The Walking Dead, they were talking about someone named Negan when there was a knock on the door. I paused it, got off the couch, and opened the door to see Jeffrey. "Hey" he smiled as I moved aside to let him in, "it's fucking freezing out there" he spoke as he remove his jacket, "I didn't know we had a lesson today," I said as he smiled, "due to the snow, my plans got ruined so I figured I could stop by and give you some lessons," he told me as I smiled, "well, it's gonna have to wait a moment...I'm in the middle of watching The Walking Dead" I told him as I walked over to the couch and sat down. "What season?" he sat next to me after toeing off his boots. "The end of six...I have no idea what is happening but it looks like the Saviors are herding Rick's group" I told him, "you meet Negan yet?" he asked with a smile and I shook my head, "I don't even know who that is" I told him as he chuckled. Soon the group was all on their knees, in a half circle, "oh I hope nothing bad happens to Eugene! He's turned into a really cool character!" I exclaimed as he chuckled, he quickly paused it and looked at me. "Who's your favorite so far?" he asked as I thought for a moment, "probably Glenn and Daryl, they've been my favorites since the beginning. Why?" I asked as he chuckled, "I was just wondering" he said as he unpaused it. I watched as the RV door opened, "we pissin' our pants yet?" Negan asked as my eyes grew wide and the episode ended. "What the fuck?!" I looked at him as he started laughing. 

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