Hurt ~John Winchester~

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~Your pov~

I sat in the truck as my partner got in with our dinner, "where are we going?" I asked as he sighed, "West Virginia" he told me as I looked at him, "we going after Mothman or something?" I joked as he chuckled and handed me a paper. "Some people said they saw some type of creature out in Braxton Country, they call it the Flatwoods Monster," he told me as he started the truck and started to drive. "You talk to the boys recently?" I asked as he shook his head and took a drink of his drink, "not yet" he spoke as I smiled a little "I got into the Burger King bag and pulled out my fries, I looked out the window as I ate on my fries, music played softly as he drove, "you get anything to eat for yourself?" I asked looking over at him and he shook his head. "Not hungry" he spoke as I sighed, "John..." I started, "Y/n..." he spoke with a sigh, "I'll be fine, eat Y/n," he said as I sighed and stared at him.

"I appreciate the concern, but I'm more worried about you not eating," he told me as I sighed, "I'm not gonna eat if you're not," I told him as I put my fries back into the bag and he glanced over at me. "You're being a brat," he told me as I crossed my arms and looked at him, "says the man who is too damn stubborn to eat." I spoke as he shook his head, "okay, if I eat some fries will you eat your burger?" he asked as I thought for a moment, "maybe...I said as he smiled, "but only if we half the food all together...I get half the fries and half the burger and you the other half. Deal?" I asked as he sighed, running his hand over his face, "deal," he said as I smiled. He reached into the bag and pulled out a few fries, I pulled the burger out of the bag, and tore it in half. "Here, you can have the bigger piece," I told him holding out the piece as he looked at me. 

He chuckled and took his half, "you should've taken the bigger half" he started as he stopped at a light, "you need to eat more than me" he added as I cocked my head, "you're still recovering from the Wendigo attack" he told me as I placed my hand on my bicep. "You're still going on about that?" I asked as he sighed and took a bite of his half of the burger, "you could've died Y/n" he said as I sighed and rolled my eyes. "It was either get attacked or let that thing kill you," I said as he sighed and shook his head, "I could've handled it Y/n...what you did, didn't need to be done," he told me as he looked at me. "You're seriously mad at me about that," I said as he sighed, "I'm not just mad Y/n, I'm pissed!" he spoke as I blinked a few times and stared at him. "You could've died...I've already lost..." he took a deep breath and looked out the window, I remained quiet, he exhaled and took a turn. "I can't lose you either Y/n" he spoke softly as I chewed on the inside of my mouth. 

~Time skip~

I sat on our shared hotel bed with a sigh as he set some books down on the table and looked around. I winched as I pulled my shirt off and looked at my bandaged bicep. "Here..." he said as he sat down beside me, I turned to face him, and he removed the bandage and looked at the claw marks. "I need to put some peroxide on it..." he spoke as he grabbed some out of my pack, I watched as he put some on a piece of cotton and started to gently put it on my arm. "Ow..." I whispered as I jumped, "sorry" he whispered as I looked at the bed, "I'm sorry" I whispered as he remained quiet, "for pushing you out of the way..." I told him as he looked at me, "I just..." I sighed and placed my forehead against his shoulder. "After Shaun...I didn't want to lose you...I was scared" I told him as he chuckled and kissed the side of my head. "It's okay...I know how you feel..." he whispered as I looked at him, "when I saw you get hurt...the only thing I could think of was...'I'm gonna lose her as well' and it pissed me off that the first woman since M...since that night...I was gonna lose" he whispered as he wrapped my arm again, "just, please...don't do something like that again," he told me as I blinked a few times. 

I placed my hand on his cheek and caressed it with my thumb. "And let you get hurt in the process?" I asked as he sighed, "Y/n...I'll be fine" he told me as I smiled and kissed his cheek. "As will I" I whispered as he smiled and placed his forehead against mine. He placed his hand on the back of my neck and kissed me passionately. I whimpered against his lips as he lightly bit my bottom lip, he chuckled, "we've got some research to do...but you should get some rest baby doll" he whispered as he pulled away and I followed his lips. "I'm serious Y/n...get some sleep" he spoke as he kissed my forehead and walked off. I changed into my pajamas, climbed into bed, and watched as he looked over books and mumbled to himself. I smiled as I curled up and fell fast asleep.

I woke up the next morning to an arm draped over me, I groaned slightly and rolled over to see John fast asleep. I raised my hand to move some of his hair off his face he groaned in his sleep and sighed when his eyes fluttered open. "Another one?" I asked as he nodded "you wanna talk about it?" I asked as he shook his head. 

~Time skip~

We had finally dealt with the creature, I had a few cuts and bruises on my body, and he was way worse than I was. I dabbed some peroxide on his chest that had claw marks on it. "That was stupid of you John" I whispered, "guess we're both stupid," he said as I rolled my eyes, "me getting hurt by that Wendigo and you getting hurt are two completely different things," I told him, "you have kids, I don't..." I told him as he sighed, "and let you die? We've had this conversation" he told me as I sighed and began to wrap his chest, "a million and one times it seems" I said as he chuckled, "you know what that means right?" he asked as I looked up at him, "it means that we're not willing to lose the other...which means..." he trailed off as I smiled a little, "I know..." I nodded as he sighed and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him and lay back while pulling him onto me. "Do you know though? Do you know what I was going to say?" he asked, his lips ghosting mine as he talked, "I was gonna say I love you Y/n" he whispered as I smiled and kissed him again. "I love you too John" I whispered as he smiled and returned the kiss. 

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