Dad ~Negan~

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~Your pov~

I chased my daughter through the halls as she giggled, "I'm gonna get you!" I spoke as she giggled, "Negan! Help me!" she shouted as she ran behind Negan who looked at her with amusement laced in his eyes, "what's going on little one?" he asked as he picked my daughter up and I smiled at her, "mommy's it..." she told him as he chuckled and looked at me. "She was going stir crazy...I hope you don't mind that she's running around" I told him as he shook his head. "Were you going crazy in the room with your mama?" he asked as he tickled her making her squeal out in laughter. "Boss, we've got that fu-..." Dwight spoke, "whoa!" Negan spoke as Dwight stopped speaking, "watch your mouth, you're in front of a princess and a queen" he spoke as I blushed, Negan had always said things like that to make me blush, and every time he did, it made my heart skip a beat, and it certainly didn't help that he saw my daughter as his own even though we aren't together. "Sorry" Dwight spoke as he looked at my daughter, "what do you think?" He asked as she smiled, "you may continue peasant!" she shouted as he chuckled, "you heard the little lady" he spoke as Dwight nodded, "we got him..." he said as Negan's smile dropped a little. 

"Time to go back to mama" he spoke as he handed my daughter to me, "I've got some stuff to take care of okay?" he asked as she nodded, he gave her a kiss on the forehead and smiled at me. "Don't forget! You said you'd come by and play with me today" she said as he smiled "I am a man of my word princess...I shall see you later for our playdate" he spoke as she smiled and giggled. 

~Time skip~

I sighed as I washed Haylee's hair, I rinsed her hair, pulled her out of the tub, and dried her off. I then put her in her pajamas when there was a knock on the door. "Go play while I see who it is," I told her as she walked over to the toys I had found, I cracked open the door and saw Negan, "Lucille bloody?" I whispered as he nodded, "she stays know my rules Negan" I said as he smiled, "I know doll" he said as he leaned Lucille against the wall beside my door, I smiled as I looked back at my daughter. "Guess who it is pumpkin," I said walking toward her, Negan walked in, "Negan!" she shouted as she ran toward him and he picked her up. " are you, princess?" he asked as she smiled and wrapped her tiny arms around him. "I thought you weren't going to show," she said as he gasped dramatically, "and miss spending time with my favorite girl? You are crazy!" he spoke as he tickled her making her laugh, I sat on the couch as he sat her down, she grabbed two of his fingers and pulled him tot he center of the room. "Play with me" she spoke as he sat down and I watched the two of them play, "and boom!" he exclaimed as he threw the dolls up, "and now they're gone," he said as she laughed, she picked up one of the male dolls I had found for her. It wore a black leather jacket, and she held it up to him, "he's just like you" she spoke as he looked at the doll.

"Yeah, he is" he spoke as he smiled at her, "and here's mommy!" she spoke as she handed him the female doll that had the same hair color as me, "there's me!" she spoke as she handed him the smaller doll, "oh yeah, look at that. It is all three of us," he said with a smile as he glanced over at me and looked back at her. "Mommy come play tea party with us!" she spoke as I chuckled, he set the dolls down, and I moved to sit on the ground between them. "Okay baby girl," I said as he handed me a cup, she poured the pretend tea into my cup, and then into Negan's. "Why thank you lil miss" he spoke as she giggled, "oh!" she jumped up, "can we play house? Mommy can be the mommy, and Negan can be the daddy, and I can be the baby" she spoke as I froze slightly, "and we could be having a tea party!" she added as she ran off. "She has too much energy right now..." I whispered as Negan chuckled, I looked over at him, "will you help me put her down for the night?" I asked as he smiled and nodded. "Of course, I'm the daddy" he joked as I rolled my eyes, we got off the ground, and she ran back in. Negan picked her up, "it's time for sleep lil miss" he spoke, "awe! Do I have to?" she asked as he sighed, "I know! How could a wonderful day of playing come to an end already? How about a story?" he asked as she smiled, "will you sing to me?" she asked as he blinked a few times, "you have got me wrapped around your little song, and that's it," he said as she smiled. "But!" he started as he walked over to her bed. 

He lays her in her bed, "you've gotta promise you'll go to sleep" he said as he held up his pinky, "I promise!" she spoke as she interlocked her smaller pinky with his larger one. "Okay...a song, what song..." he asked himself as he thought and then smiled at her as he tucked her in. "Now, don't make fun of me, I don't sing for just anyone," he said as she giggled. 

"Hush, little baby don't say a word
Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird" he sang softly to her as I watched.

"And if that mockingbird don't sing
Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring" he continued as her eyelids grew heavy, I wiped away the tears that were threatening to escape my eyes because even when he was around, her own father was never like this to her. 

"And if that diamond ring is brass
Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass" he sang as she fell fast asleep and he smiled. "Good night princess" he whispered as he kissed her forehead and got up. I walked over to her and gave her a kiss on her forehead, "sweet dreams pumpkin" I whispered. I walked to the door with Negan, "thank you" I whispered as he smiled, "I fucking love that little girl," he told me as I smiled, "she adores you" I told him as he leaned against the frame of my door, "I still can't understand how her own father could just abandon a sweet girl like her and her hot mom" he spoke as I blushed and rolled my eyes. "Hey..." I stared as he looked at me, "you want a beer? Dwight found some and I kinda swiped two from stock" I told him as he chuckled, and nodded. We sat on my couch talking about our lives before the dead walked the Earth and sipped on our beers. 

"Daddy!" Haylee cried as Negan and I quickly got up, he was the first one to reach her, "hey there baby girl" he whispered as she cried and he held her. "Daddy, I had a nightmare" she cried as he looked at me, she must've still been half asleep because she was calling him daddy and she knows he was not her father. "It's okay, baby girl...I've got you" he whispered as he rubbed her back, "nothing is gonna get you while daddy is here" he whispered as he looked at me, "mommy and daddy," he told her as I walked over and hugged her tightly "it's okay baby" I spoke as she fell back asleep in my arms, I gently lay her back down, "Y/n..." he started as I looked at him, "Negan...she needs a father" I started as he grew quiet, "and your the damn closest she's got..." I continued as I sighed, "marry me..." I spoke as he blinked a few times and chuckled. "You beat me to what I was gonna say" he spoke as I smiled and placed my forehead against his chest, "you continue to surprise me" I whispered as he chuckled and cupped my face. "It's not just her that I love..." he whispered as I stared into his eyes, "I love you" he spoke as I blinked a few times, "I'd do anything for you and that little girl...and I know I'm not the greatest person in the world...hell...this world isn't as great as it once was either...but that still doesn't mean I can't do right by the two of you" he spoke as I cried and he wiped away the tears. "I love you too Negan" I whispered as he smiled. 

~Time skip~ 

I smiled as Haylee pulled my hand to the entrance, we stood there waiting, Negan's truck pulled in and she gasped. He got out of the truck, saw us, and grew a smile. "Daddy!" she shouted as she ran up to him and he picked her up, "oh! There's my girl" he spoke as he kissed her cheek, "were you good for mama?" he asked as she nodded, "are you lying?" he asked as she giggled, "no daddy" she spoke as I walked up and gave him a kiss. "Welcome home" I whispered as he smiled. "How are you?" he asked as we walked through the halls and headed back to our room. "Feeling better today..." I told him as he smiled, "and the little one?" he asked placing a hand on my belly, "hungry" I told him as he chuckled, "I'll get you some food" he spoke as I shook my head, "Simon is already on it" I told him as he sighed and kissed me again. "Okay," he whispered as Haylee lays her head on his shoulder. "I'm glad you're okay," I told him as he chuckled, "I've got my girls by my side..." he spoke as he looked at me and Haylee, "I'm better than okay" he spoke as I smiled. 

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