Reunited ~John Winchester~

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In this, Mary and John never got married, Sam and Dean are John and your kids but you and John aren't married yet, and you were both hunters even when you two were growing up-Hoshi

~Your pov~

I sat in a chair in the cabin we were staying in, the weather played on the little radio that sat on the counter near the sink. John was feeding wood into the furnace that sat in the middle of the small cabin to keep us warm. I wrote down notes in my journal as the weather continued and John sighed. I looked over at my boyfriend and smiled as I watched him. I sighed as I stretched and that was when I heard the weatherman say that the snowstorm was going to last for the next two weeks and that we should stock up on provisions which made me groan. "Looks like we're stuck here for the next few days" he spoke getting up from in front of the furnace, he walked over and sat across from me, "we should head into town and get some food and stuff," I told him as he nodded.  

We left the cabin, bundled up in our winter clothes, and climbed into the Impala. We left and headed to the store, we walked around getting canned foods, a few jugs of milk, some bread, and other things. Once we were back at the cabin, we put the food away, he had also made sure to buy a lot of firewood, he kept all the extra firewood in a little shed that was a little short walk away from the main cabin. He brought in more firewood that would hopefully help us get through this storm without either one of us having to leave the cabin to get more while I put the groceries away in the cabinets and the fridge. I sighed as ran my fingers through my hair when John walked in and placed some more firewood onto the floor. "I called Bobby and told him that we're gonna be stuck for a while...he understood and said he'll take care of the boys until we return," he told me as I smiled and looked at him. "This might be a blessing in disguise," I said as he arched an eyebrow.

"You're so stressed John, how about we stop thinking about it as 'we're trapped here' and think of it as a type of...vacation?" I said as he chuckled, "we're hunters Y/n...we don't get to have a vacation" he told me as I walked up and wrapped my arms around him, "well, the next two weeks are gonna be a vacation and I plan on making the most of it...that we can that is" I said as he shook his head. "Think about it, we've never really had a moment alone...just the two of us. We've been so busy with hunting and with the boys that we've never had a just-us moment y'know," I said as he sighed and placed his forehead against mine. "I know baby...and I'm sorry for that" he whispered as I smiled and gave him a soft kiss. "So, this is a little vacation away from it all" I smiled as he chuckled, "all right, I'll try to think about it like that," he said and I smiled. "What do we do if we run out of food?" he asked as I smiled and headed for the bathroom, "Milk and disgusting as it sounds we can have that," I said as he chuckled and stared at me, "you gonna join me for a hot shower?" I asked pulling my shirt from my body, his eyes scanned over my torso, his eyes landed on the tattoo resting above my left collarbone which was an anti-possession symbol, and then his eyes rested on the tattoo that was slightly hidden by my pants of Sam and Dean's initials on my lower right abdomen. 

He smiled as I walked into the bathroom and he followed me.

~Two nights later~

I groaned as I rolled over in bed, my bare leg out of the blanket, I felt the sheets beside me and felt they were cold, I popped my head up slightly and saw John was sitting over at the table, a little oil lamp was the only source of light, the power had gone out yesterday, not that we minded, he gently tapped a pen against the table, his journal lay open, and there were papers all over the table. His other hand rested against his head as he read whatever he was reading. I smiled, got out of bed, wrapped the blanket around me, and padded over to him. "You're supposed to be taking a break from this baby" I whispered as he looked at me and sat back some with a sigh, "I know...I'm just going over some notes," he said as I sat on his lap facing him, the blanket still wrapped around my body, I lay my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me. "I miss the boys," I said as he sighed, "I know you do" he whispered as he rubbed my back gently. "What do you think Bobby told them? Because I know Dean gets worried about us" I said as he chuckled, "probably told them the truth...either that or he said that the hunt was gonna take a little bit longer than expected" he told me as I smiled and snuggled into his chest while inhaling his scent. 

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