5 Steps ~Jeffrey Dean Morgan~

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~Your pov~

I sighed as I sat at the little cafe that I frequented, I looked at my laptop, I was looking for someone to teach me how to ride a horse, which was something I had wanted to do since I was a little girl. I closed my laptop as I saw there was no one that could, I put the computer in my bag, got up, and went to leave when I ran into someone Spill both his coffee and my hot chocolate over the two of us. "I am so sorry!" I exclaimed as the man chuckled, "it's fine" he spoke as I looked at his face and felt my blood rush to my cheeks. "Of course, out of all the men you could've run into and spilled your hot chocolate onto in Texas...it just had to be Jeffrey Dean Morgan" I growled at myself as he chuckled, "it's okay...it's partially my fault anyways. I was distracted" he spoke as I ran my hand over my face, "let me buy you another one" he smiled, his pearly whites showing which caused me to blush even more. "Please, it's the least I could do," he said holding his smile, "uhm...okay" I nodded as his smile grew, we got back in line, "am I gonna learn your name?" he asked as I tensed, "sorry..." I chuckled and shook my head and looked at him. "I'm Y/n L/n," I said as we shook hands, "Y/n" he whispered as he smiled, I blushed again and he chuckled, "I'm gonna call you cherry...because you're so red" he joked as I grew even more red making him chuckle. We finally got to the counter, and he told the barista what he wanted and ordered a hot chocolate for me. 

"I've never seen you in here before," he said looking at me, "oh, I normally don't stay very long...the only reason why I remained was that I was looking for someone online to give me horseback riding lessons..." I told him as he smiled sweetly, "well..." he started as he grabbed a pen and a napkin where he wrote something down. "When you wanna learn, gimme a call...I have a few horses back at my ranch" he said as he handed me the napkin and I snorted a little. "This is like the beginning of a bad romance novel or movie" I joked as he chuckled, "it does seem that way doesn't it?" he asked as we got our drinks, we left the cafe, "well, it was nice meeting you," I said as we shook hands again, "don't forget...call me" he spoke as he stared into my eyes and I blushed as he walked away. "Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit" I whispered as I started to walk back to my apartment. 

~The next day~

I sat in the cafe, debating on if I should call him or not. I stared at the napkin and chewed on the inside of my mouth as my music played from my earbuds into my ears. That was when I saw a hand on my table. I looked up and there he was smiling at me, I removed my earbuds, "hi" I spoke as he smiled larger, "mind if I sit?" he asked as I shrugged and he sat down across from me. "I was just thinking about calling you," I told him as he chuckled, "I could see the debate happening in your head when I walked in," he told me as I blushed slightly and looked out the window as it started to snow. "So, you still wanna know how to ride a horse?" he asked as I looked at him and nodded. "Great!" he said as he got up and looked at me. "C'mon," he said as I got up, "you mean today? Right now?" I asked as I followed him out of the cafe, "yep" he spoke popping the 'P' as I walked beside him. "But, don't I need certain things? Like riding boots?" I asked as he shook his head, "nope, you just need you, yourself, and I...me because I'm gonna be teaching you" he told me as we approached a black GMC truck. He unlocked the doors and climbed in, I walked around to the passenger side, and got in. "This is something I'm not used to," I told him as he arched an eyebrow while setting his coffee in the cup holder. "What? Horses?" he asked as I shook my head.

"Getting into the vehicle with strange men," I told him as he chuckled, "mom always warned me about strange men...however she never did say that I couldn't get into a vehicle with a supernatural hunter" I joked as he laughed. We buckled up and he started the truck. Music softly played over the radio as I looked out the window and watched the world go past us. "You excited?" he asked as I looked at him, "for?" I asked as he smiled, "your lessons" he told me as I blinked a few times, "right, sorry...my mind is a million miles away. Uhm...yeah, I'm excited" I told him as he smiled. "You don't gotta worry, I'll be with you every step of the way...think of it as riding a bicycle," he told me as I snorted, "except the bicycle can rear back, knock you onto the ground and trample you and kill ya" I spoke as he opened his mouth to say something and then closed it nodding. "True, true" he nodded as I giggled, "it's like...nervousness and excitement at the same time...like eating and then riding a rollercoaster," I told him as he chuckled. "You'll be fine" he spoke as he patted my knee and then grabbed his coffee and took a sip.

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