Savior ~John Winchester~

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~John's pov~

I walked into the bunker with Dean, I was holding the food and Dean was holding the drinks. "Mother fucker!" I heard Y/n shout, "dad, thank god you're here...she's going stir crazy" Sam spoke as I sighed and handed him the food "I'll talk to her," I said pulling out her tacos, I grabbed her drink, and headed to her bedroom. 

~Your pov~

I paced as I growled in my bedroom. The door opened, "hope your dressed" John said as I glared at him, "evening to you too" he said as he sat my food down on my dresser. I crossed my arms and continued to pace. "Sam said you're on edge," he said as I scoffed, "if I don't get out of this fucking bunker're gonna lose a fucking kid John," I told him as he chuckled, "I appreciate you guys keeping me safe and everything until you find the vampires that are hunting me down...but I swear John...I need to get the fuck out of here" I told him as he chuckled, "have you tried leaving your bedroom" he suggested as I growled, "very fucking funny" I spoke as he chuckled, "why don't you calm down, and come out to join my boys and me for a movie?" he asked as I scoffed, "no thanks..." I said as he shrugged, "the offers there" he said as he walked off. I sighed as I sat on my bed and looked around. "Damnit" I growled as I grabbed my drink and tacos. I then walked into the lounging area and sat on the floor beside Dean who was happily eating his food. Sam was sitting on the couch, and John was sitting in an armchair. 

"Family movie night, awesome" Dean spoke as he drank his drink John chuckled and turned the tv onto a movie. We all sat in silence while we watched the movie. After that, everyone had gone to bed. Everyone but me. I had snuck out of the bunker and walked down the road, breathing in the smell of the fall, then someone hit me on the back of the head and everything went black.

~Johns pov~ 

I jolted awake due to the feeling that something was wrong, something in me told me that I had to check on everyone. 'Sam is in his room, Dean is in his room, and Y/n...Y/n is not in her room' I mentally grew worried as I began to search the bunker, when I didn't find her I knew what she had done. She had snuck out like she was some type of teenager when in actuality she was four years younger than me. I growled as I walked into my bedroom, I got dressed, and packed some weapons and clothes. "Dad?" Dean had sleepily asked while rubbing his eyes, "the hell are you doing?" he asked, "Y/n isn't in her room...I'm going after her" I told him as I cocked my pistol, "I'll get Sammy up" he said as I shook my head, "no...I need you two here in case she comes back..if not then that means they have her." I told him "yessir" he nodded as he walked off. I grabbed the keys to my truck and drove off.

~A few days later~

I had shot my way through the nest until I found Y/n tied up and unconscious. I had also taken my fair share of beatings. I carried her to my truck and sat her down. Then I felt a sharp pain in my leg which caused me to scream out, I looked down and saw a vampire biting my leg. "John..." Y/n whispered weakly as she handed me a machete, I cut the vampire's head off and groaned as I tossed the weapon into the truck and closed the door as Y/n passed out again. 

~A few hours~ 

*Your pov*

I woke up in my room, I groaned as I got out of bed and padded through the bunker. John was in the kitchen trying to dress the wounds he got on his back. I walked up, grabbed the cotton pad, and dabbed it on the cuts he had. He groaned slightly, I knew he was mad, "I'm sorry" I whispered as he sighed, "Y/n..." he started, "I just wanted to get out..." I whispered as a few tears escaped my eyes, "I know..." he whispered, "your wounds are cleaned..." I softly spoke as he groaned when he tried to put his shirt back on, I grabbed the hem of it and helped him put it on. He turned to look at me and I looked down. "You have a few on your face" I whispered as I grabbed a cotton ball, put some rubbing alcohol on it, and started to gently clean the cuts on his face. "You'll need stitches for this one," I told him as he sighed, he got the thread through the clean needle and handed it to me. "Y/n..." he whispered as I started to stitch up the cut above his eyebrow, he flinched every time the needle pierced his skin but beyond that, he took it like a champ, "I can't lose you" he whispered as I looked into his eyes, I shook the thought out of my head and I finished stitching it. I put a steri strip on it and gave him a small smile. I then looked at the ground, I then placed the top of my head against his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. He knew I was upset about the fact that he had to come to save me because I was too stupid to listen to him. 

He didn't say anything, he just held me as I cried, "I'm so fucking sorry John" I whimpered as he rubbed my back, "I understand me I do...but you've gotta listen to me next time" he whispered as he cupped my face and wiped away my tears. "I can't lose felt like a part of me died when I lost Mary..." he whispered as I sniffled, "I can't bear the thought of losing you too Y/n...if you died, I'd go right back to how I was with my kids" he spoke as I hiccuped, "cold and distant" he whispered as he placed his cut and bruised lips against my forehead, "I fucking love you" he whispered as he kissed me softly. His chapped lips moved against my soft ones in sync. I whimpered softly as he pulled away and looked into my eyes. "I love you too John..." I whispered as he smiled. 

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