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Being the eldest, a heavy weight to bear,

A role I never asked for, a cross to wear.

Growing up in poverty, struggles every day,

Hoping for a better life, but it's always far away.

Controlling parents, manipulation their game,

I thought it was normal, I never knew any other way.

Religious rules, shackles on my feet,

I wish for richer parents, the life that I want to meet.

I tell them I want more, but they can't see,

Money can't buy happiness, but it could set me free.

I'm not responsible for their trauma, or their financial woes,

But I'm trapped here, with no place to go.

Being a girl, it's harder still,

A womb that bleeds, a constant ill.

Weak and in pain, chasing dreams far,

Wishing for a childhood, where I could be a star.

Responsibilities of an adult, when I was just a child,

A chaotic upbringing, my future now wild.

All I wish for, is the ground to open wide,

But I hold on, to the tiny hope inside.

Eldest child in a poor family, a burden to bear,

But I won't give up, I'll keep climbing that stair.

Though my childhood was ruined, my future's yet to be,

I'll hold on to hope, and chase my dreams, you'll see.

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