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In the depths of my soul, a voice does rise,

Whispering softly, "I deserve better," it cries.

I know it, I feel it, deep in my core,

Mistakes I have made, I can't ignore.

Uncertain, I stumble, unable to discern,

Which missteps are mine, and the ones I should spurn.

The urge to scream and cry trapped in my throat,

Yet I conceal my turmoil, I don't broke

I'm a mess, weak and frail, a coward within,

Forced to wear a mask of perfection, only to fit in.

Molded and forged in a world that demands,

Concealing my flaws barely falling apart.

Yearning for someone to care,

To love me completely, and always be there.

A companion, to share this strife,

To love unconditionally, throughout this life.

Trapped in my thoughts, in the labyrinth of my mind,

Loneliness engulfs me, leaving me confined.

Desperate for an escape, a consoling hand,

Selfless love, so hard to withstand.

I long to confess, without judgement or scorn,

To be embraced for all my flaws, tattered and torn.

To be seen, truly seen, for who I am within,

Accepted, cherished, with all my scars and sin.

In this brutal world, where shall I find,

The love that's elusive, that's confined.

The void deep inside me, continues to grow,

Make it disappear, I want it to go.

I crave a life without rules, without guilt's chains,

To be important, a priority, someone's gains.

Mere words bring temporary relief,

The truth remains hidden, causing deeper grief.

Yet, deep down, we both know the unsaid,

The emotions we share, the truth in our thread.

Pretending not to feel, wearing a disguise,

But the longing persists, where it continues to hide.

I'm still searching, with hope in my heart,

For the love that's enduring, that won't fall apart.

For someone who'll cherish me, flaws and all,

To break free from this loneliness, to heed love's call

Bitter Sweet AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now