Chapter 10

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Ash was sitting in front of her laptop on the floor singing a song. It was actually a song that she was writing. In front of her were torn up pictures of her and Lance together. While editing it, Bodi walks in.

Bodi: "Listen, um, I'm sorry about what happened to you."

Ash looked up at him and didn't respond.

Bodi: "Okay, what I'm trying to say is, me and the band, we haven't made a hit song in a while now. And we've watched you perform at the theater. You have amazing talent. And Lance wouldn't be able to tell you otherwise."

Ash: "And you're point is?"

Bodi: "We know that we can't win that money by ourselves, so we want to know if, you would join our band for the competition?"

Ash: "Really?"

Bodi: "Really. If we win, we split the cash and we can work together to make songs that will shoot us to the top. What do you say?"

Ash knew that this was something she couldn't turn down. She quickly hugged Bodi and thanked him. Darma and Germur watched from the other room. They high five each other knowing that she's in on the offer. Bodi sees her laptop.

Bodi: "What's that?"

Ash: "Well, if you want us to work together from now on, I might as well let you help me on this new song."

Bodi: "Great, I'll tell the others."

He walks to the other room. Meanwhile, at a prison, prisoners were talking to their friends or relatives at the visitors booth. Johnny was visiting his Dad.

Johnny's Dad: "Where were you?"

Johnny: "Well, the thing is, I went to get gas, and uh..."

Johnny's Dad: "Don't lie to me!"

Johnny: "I was at rehearsal."

Johnny's Dad: "Rehearsal? For what?"

Johnny: "I was at a singing contest." Johnny's Dad couldn't believe it. Then Johnny continued. "Look, Dad, I'm sorry, I just don't want to be in your gang, I wanna be a singer."

Johnny's Dad: "Singer?"

Johnny: "Look, Dad, no it's okay, I can get the bail money. There's a prize, it's $100,000."

Johnny's Dad slams the phone on the desk, then picks it up and speaks to Johnny. "How did I end up with a son like you, ey? You're nothing like me. You never were, and you never will be." He leaves.

Johnny: "I'll get you out! Wait, Dad, I'll get the money, I promise."

Later that night, Miss Crawly and Jenna were turning off the lights and closing the theater. Johnny sneaks through a window to Buster's office, wearing his bunny mask. He sees the treasure chest and is about to steal it.

Before he leaves, he sees the papers about the contestants, one of those papers had his name and picture. Below it was a highlighted sentence that read 'Natural-born singer!' Johnny began having second thoughts about what he was doing.

Miss Crawly and Jenna walk into Buster's office when they see Johnny. They get scared at first but realize that it was just him.

Miss Crawly: "Johnny! Oh, you gave me a fright, there."

Johnny: "Sorry, I didn't mean to. It's just, well I know it's late, but I could really use some extra piano lessons."

Jenna: "Oh, it's never late for that."

Johnny was practicing on the piano while Miss Crawly was complimenting him. It seemed like he was getting better and better.

At a grocery store, Rosita was still shopping. A voice is heard on the speakers. "Shoppers are reminded that the store will close in 15 minutes. Thank you."

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