Chapter 11

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Nana's car parks in front of the Moon Theater. A penguin opens the door to let Nana, Eddie, and Po out. Nana smiles seeing that she has returned to the theater she once loved. As she walks towards the doors, Buster comes out to greet her. He walks over to hug her.

Nana: "Ugh, do not even think of embracing me."

Buster: "You got it. Eddie, please show your Nana to the royal box."

Nana: "Oh for Heaven's sake! I'm perfectly capable of walking." She walks inside. Eddie looks down at Buster.

Eddie: "You nervous?"

Buster: "You kidding? Hahaha. I'm absolutely terrified."

Po: You should be. This is a big moment for you pal."

The car drives away as the three enter the theater. A yellow truck drives by the theater, then stops. The three bears were in that car.

Bear Thug: "Boss, that's his car, isn't it? Right there."

Bear Leader: "Pull over."

Nana, Eddie, and Po sit down as Miss Crawly and Jenna walk in the royal box.

Miss Crawly: "Lapsang souchong. Courtesy of Mr. Moo... Moo... ACHOO!!" She sneezes on Nana and the tea.

Jenna: "Oh my goodness. We are so sorry. We'll get another one."

Nana: "Wonderful."

The bell rings and the lights dim inside. Meanwhile, Mike walks outside still on the phone with his girlfriend.

Mike: "Honey, the show is starting, alright. I can't talk now, I gotta go. Of course I love you. You think I'd buy you diamond earrings if I didn't..."

The Bear Leader grabs Mike by the shirt, looks straight into his eyes and points his claw at Mike's throat.

Bear Leader: "Where is my money?"

Mike: "Okay okay, listen, listen. I just uh. I just maybe kinda spent it all, you know."

The Bear didn't like the answer so he tried eating Mike, that is until Mike mentions that he'll get $100,000.

Bear Leader: "Where are you going to get that kind of money?"

Mike: "Moon! Okay! Moon's got my money."

Bear Leader: "Who is this Moon?"

Inside the theater, Buster is standing on a moon decoration that is being lowered down towards the stage. A stage light shines down at him.

Buster: "All creatures great and small, welcome to the Moon Theater. I am your host, Buster Moon."

Meena, who was holding the lever, accidentally pushed it too far down. Buster began falling. Meena quickly grabbed it and readjusted it before he hit the ground. So far, Nana wasn't impressed.

Buster: "Behold, the very first stage lit entirely by squid power!"

The curtains roll back to reveal a huge tank filled with squid changing colors while swimming in synchronized fashion. Everyone watches and claps at the updated stage.

Buster (to the squid): "Beautiful work guys, now just follow me on the beat." Buster begins dancing on stage while the squid continue making the stage colorful. He continues speaking. "As you can see, this is no ordinary theater. This is a palace of wonder and magic!"

Eddie: "He's doing it! He's really doing it, Nana!"

Nana: "Goodness."

Po whispers to Eddie. "I don't remember any of this. When did he get it all done? And how did he get it done?" Eddie shrugs.

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