Chapter 6

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Buster, Balto and Meena enter the theater through the back door. Buster rushes towards the stage while giving instructions to Meena.

Buster: "Hey can you pull that scenic cable."

Meena: "You mean this?"

Buster: "Yes that's it."

She does so, and the giant painting goes up and reveals another painting for the stage.

Buster: "Great. And the house lights."

She pulls a lever to turn on all the lights inside the theater.

Meena: "Wow."

Buster: "Oh I know. Beautiful isn't she?"

Balto: "Yeah, just amazing."

Buster: "You know what, kid? How would you like to be a part of this show?"

Meena: "Really? Wait, oh my gosh I was just gonna ask about that."

Buster: "Great. Cuz I could really use a stagehand."

Meena: "Stagehand? But..."

Buster: "Ah don't worry about it. You're gonna pick it up in no time. I'll teach you everything I know. Follow me."

Meena looks at Balto.

Balto: "Sorry kid. I'll try to talk him into letting you in the cast. Come on."

They follow Buster.

Buster: "These are the rehearsal spaces and dressing rooms, and up here we got workshops and the main office." He runs upstairs while Meena stays back to watch the others rehearsing.

Meena: "Awesome."

Mike was standing on the stairs.

Mike: "Awesome? (Scoffs) I think the word you're after is awful. And that's me restraining myself. There's not an ounce of talent between them. Not an ounce. In fact you know what, I think that prize is as good as mine already."

He leaves the rehearsal spaces. The Chipmunks and Chipettes watch as he walks away.

Simon: "Ugh, seriously."

Eleanor: "I know you. Didn't he push you off the stage?"

Meena: "Uh, yeah."

Brittany: "I guess you got a second chance."

Balto: "Well, not really. Buster needs help with the stage so you'll see her back here a lot."

Brittany: "Oh. Well okay."

That night, Mike was at a bank.

Mike: "Yes indeed. I am about to come into a very very large sum of money. $100,000 to be precise."

Banker: "Well is that so? In that case, sir, you'll be wanting a platinum card."

Mike sees the card and smiles. Later on, he drives a fancy car towards the club in front of his crush. She smiles when she sees him. The gorilla guard sees him walking with her.

Mike: "Well well well. Hello again."

The guard opens the door and lets them in. Meanwhile, Lance and Ash were laughing at the list of songs that Buster gave Ash.

Lance: "Oh man, these are like the cheesiest songs of all time."

Ash: "I know right. I mean I was even thinking writing my own song instead."

Darma: "Not a bad idea."

Lance: "Wait what? Your own song?"

Ash: "Well, yeah."

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