Chapter 14

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Eddie, and Johnny push a piano onto the stage. Po gives Johnny a stool to sit on. The two stage hands run off stage while Johnny sees Miss Crawly giving a thumbs up and Jenna nodding and smiling. Johnny presses a key and the lights dim. The audience looks at the stage. (Watch Video)

Johnny looks at Miss Crawly and Jenna. They tell him to take a bow. He does so. Then he walks off stage with a sad look on his face.

Rosita: "What's with the face? You were great! They loved you!"

Johnny: "Yeah, thanks Rosita."

Carla whispers to Brittany, "What happened?"

Brittany shrugged. Johnny's Dad dodged helicopters with spotlights while continuing to rush to the theater. Many animals continued walking in the theater after that performance. One of those was Judith, who did not like what was happening.

Buster: "Alright! Welcome to all you newcomers. You're just in time for a wild performance from a rock band all the way from Snow Mountain. You might recognize them, you might not. But regardless, please welcome True Blue!"

The crowd applauds. Before they began, Bodi spoke on the microphone.

Bodi: "Thank you everyone. Man I miss this kind of audience! Before we begin, we'd like to introduce a teenager who was recently dumped by her boyfriend."

Audience: "Aww."

Bodi: "Yeah. It's terrible. But she's going to chase those blues away with a song of her very own. And we have the honor of debuting it with her. Allow us to introduce the singing sensation, Ash!"

The audience claps and Ash walks on stage with sunglasses on and her guitar in hand. She strums her guitar and it makes a loud echoing boom. Before she sang, the guitar cable got unplugged. Judith had it in her hand and she walked on stage.

Judith: "You are all trespassing a private property and you will leave right now!"

Buster: "No no no no no. Judith."

Judith: "All of you!"

The audience was disappointed. Then Ash begins stomping her foot on stage. The audience follows by clapping their hands to the beat. Germur started pounding the drums.

Ash: "I followed my heart into the fire
Got burned got broken down by desire
I tried I tried but the smoke in my eyes left me blurry
Blurry and blind.

I picked all the pieces up off the ground
Got dirt on my fingers but that's gone now
Got the glue in my hands and stickin' to the plan"

Judith: "I am calling the police."

Ash: "Stickin' to the plan that says I can
Do anything at all
I can do anything at all."

Ash felt her guitar getting pulled. Buster grabbed the cable, took a bow, and plugged it back in to the soundboard. She turns up her guitar. Bodi counts to three for the main chorus.

Ash: This is my kiss goodbye
You can stand alone and watch me fly
Cause nothing's keeping me down
Gonna let it all out
Come on and say right now, right now, right now

The TV turns off in Becky's apartment.

Becky: "Ugh, Seriously? She's not even that good."

Lance: "Yeah, yeah. Totally."

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