Watermelon seeds

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Harry had a plan. And this time he had thought it out well in advance. He had made it two days ago, talking to Pansy Parkinson - a difficult feat which proved even more difficult as she was reluctant to agree - and thought about what he would say.

So far, the plan was working. Pansy and Draco were sitting under a large oak tree near the water. Draco was eating a watermelon and Pansy - well, Harry didn't care what she was doing. It was not important. As long as she turned out to be a good actress.

Harry let his eyes widen and let out a gasp as he trotted towards the two Slytherins. Draco and Pansy looked up. He saw that the girl tried to hide a smile behind a look of surprise.

"What's wrong with you, Potter?" Draco took another bite of the watermelon and some of its juice dribbled down his chin. Harry was quite distracted by it. How he wished to lick it away, then bring his tongue against those perfect pink lips, and then ... Pansy let out a cough.

Harry shook his head to clear his thoughts. "You know that eating watermelon seeds makes it grow a watermelon inside you, right?"

The piece of watermelon in Draco's hand stopped in an upward movement. He stared at Harry then turned to Pansy, who - thank Merlin - gasped aloud and jumped from her seat.

"Oh, Draco!" she shrieked. "I'm so sorry! I totally forgot to tell you! Oh, Merlin, spit it out, now!" She put her hands over her mouth and looked horrified.

Draco dropped the fruit as if it burned him. Harry couldn't believe he actually bought that, even after Pansy had told him that Draco believed almost everything she said, and the fact that he never had eaten a watermelon before.

"Pansy!" Draco yelled with panic in his voice. "How could you not remember? I have never eaten it before, you knew that! I'm going to be fat and - what if i die! I will have ..."

"Hey", Harry cut in. "There is a way to get rid of it, and i can help you."

Pansy had turned around. Harry suspected she was about to erupt of laugher. Draco, unlike his friend, met Harry's gaze with big eyes.

"Well, how? Are you going to Accio it? Is that going to hurt and ..." But once again Harry cut Draco off. This time he moved forward and pressed his lips onto Draco's. The kiss started out chaste, but then Harry slipped his tongue into Draco's mouth, and recieved a moan. Harry lost himself in it.

Draco tasted like watermelon, Harry realized once they pulled away. He had never quite liked watermelon, but it tasted delicious on Draco. Harry leant in for more when Draco's hand shot out and stopped him.

"Does this help it?" He tried to appear calm and collected but Harry could see desire in his wonderful, grey eyes.

He smiled. "Or you could try bringing it back up."

Draco pulled Harry's chin forward, and winked at Pansy over Harry's shoulder.

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