Which witch

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"I still don't get why you brought me with", Harry repeated for the umpteenth time. Ginny simply grabbed his arm and tugged him forward.

"I alredy told you a thousand times. I don't want to go to Malfoy's party all by myself. But I'm going because there is free cake."

That was how Harry found himself attending a party for Draco Malfoy. A party to find him a wife. Ginny was only invited because every unengaged female pureblood was. Needless to say, the party was rather small, and Harry was the only bloke there besides Draco and Lucius Malfoy.

"Which witch?" Harry heard Narcissa ask as he tried to get up the candies in the bottom of the bowl.

Draco huffed in annoyance and Harry felt the need to do the same. He didn't want to be there. Well, he supposed the cake was rather good, but besides that, he didn't want to see his long-standing crush choose a wife while he was in the room.

"Mother, I have already told you that I don't want to get married. At least, not to a girl."

Narcissa whined and protested with; "But Draco, how do you expect to have heirs?"


"A pureblood?" Narcissa shook her head and Harry leaned closer to hear her quiet tone. He was very intrigued. Was Draco saying he was gay? "But darling, look around. Look at all the lovely girls. Look, Chelsea kind of resembles a bloke."

Draco squinted and tilted his head. Harry wondered which one was Chelsea. "Not really", he drawled. "And there is still the fact that she possesses breasts. Besides", he lowered his voice and Harry ended up putting his hands in the bowl of candy in his attempt to lean closer. "I have already told you that I have my attention set on someone else."

"Yes, yes. Bloody Potter. But Draco, honestly, it is impossible, not to mention your father and I would never allow it."

Harry gasped loudly, prompting Draco and Narcissa to turn toward him. Draco's eyes widened and his face blanched. If Harry hadn't been busy progressing their statements, as well as wondering what the slimy thing in the bottom of the bowl was, he might have laughed at the Molfoy's expressions.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked, his eyes trained on Harry's hand in the bowl.

"I dropped my wand in it", Harry lied quickly as he pulled his - obviously empty - hand out and absently wiped the sticky candy on the tablecloth, ignoring Narcissa's affronted look. "What are you doing?"

Draco glanced around the room before settling his eyes on Harry. "Want to marry me?"

Harry's and Narcissa's eyes widened to an almost impossible size. "Uh", Harry gulped. "Sure?"

"Excellent! Happy now, mother?" he questioned before rounding the table to stand by Harry's side, reaching for his hand but dropping it in confusion as he felt how sticky it was. When Draco instead reached for the other hand, he put a simple but expensive silver ring on his finger.

As Harry tried to understand what had happened was not just a fever dream, he thought that perhaps attending the party was not such a bad idea after all.

"But you two can't even get married!" Narcissa wailed.

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