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For all its peace the Gryffindor common room usually possessed, everything changed when a Slytherin entered. Or more so, when a certain Malfoy entered.

The portrait opened and no one thought any different of it. Everyone were occupied with their own things. It was only when Neville Longbottom gasped and pointed upstairs that people turned to look.

Sound rose up like thunder. There was a Slytherin in their common room. The horror of it! The nerve! They did not go into the Slytherin one so why would they come into theirs.

Naturally, Neville was blamed for the whole thing, since he was the one Draco talked to. But then Harry entered the room and faces turned to him. It was common knowledge that Harry and Draco did not get along. Their Golden Boy would know what to do.

Half of the people in the room gaped while the other half furrowed their brows in confusion as a smile lit up Harry's face. He rushed across the room and pried Draco away from his angry fellow housemates.

Harry tried assuring them that Draco was fine, he had given him the password, and poor Neville had nothing to do with it, but they did not get it. What would make Harry Potter suddenly trust a Death Eater's son?

That was when Draco reacted for the first time since he had entered the room. He slid a hand behind Harry's neck, the whole common room held their breath, ready to avenge whatever harmful thing he was going to do to Harry. But then he pressed their lips together heatedly.

The Gryffindors' last hope was that Harry would pull back in disgust and curse him, but that never happened. He pulled away and beamed back at the blonde, slipping his arm around Draco's waist. He muttered apologies to the room before heading up the stairs with the Slytherin in tow.

Everyone in the Gryffindor common room were confused. They didn't know what to think.

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