Bumper sticker

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Smiling sweetly, Harry shook his head. "For the last time, Ron. No."

"But Harry", his friend goaded, drawing out the y to annoy Harry even more.

Harry stopped abruptly in the middle of the pavement, grabbed Ron's arm and spun his body so he could look him directly in the eyes.

"No", he said clearly before he let go of Ron and carried on his strut as though he hadn't just man-handled his best friend.

Ron paused for a moment, pouting, before jogging to catch up with Harry who was already several paces ahead.

"Harry, mate, whoever it is you don't have to keep her-" Ron cringed at the glare Harry shot him, "-or him!" he quickly amended. "You don't have to keep them hidden from us."

"I know I don't have to, Ron, but currently, I want to. We've been over this." Harry sighed.

Ever since he'd let slip a week ago that he had started seeing someone, Ron and Hermione hadn't given up trying to get him to tell them who it was. He had planned on not telling them anything about it until he thought the timing was right to tell them everything, but as his boyfriend continued to point out, the timing would never be right. They would never just accept it - the revelation was bound to bring trouble. Harry just really didn't want to deal with it.

"Surely she- they-" Ron stumbled. "Oh, sod it, he. Surely he doesn't like being your dirty little secret?"

"He is not my dirty little secret, Ron!" Harry was truly angry now. "He is-" he caught himself. "Damn it. Don't goad me like that! I won't tell you who he is! I won't give you any bloody clues and I won't let anything slip even if you piss me off enough!"

Ron looked a little sheepish, but the beginning of a grin was already spreading across his face as he shrugged. Harry rolled his eyes.

He was getting it from both sides now; Ron and Hermione in one ear and Draco in the other. All of them wanting Harry to man-up and tell his friends about his relationship with Draco. Something would have to be done soon, regardless of his dearest nagging him. Draco was already a very important part of his life, and Harry was finding it increasingly painful to keep him out of a huge part of it. But he knew the chaos that would ensue as soon as the words "I'm dating Draco Malfoy" came out of his mouth would be great. He would deal with it, really he would. Just, not yet. Soon.

As they drew nearer to Harry's building, Harry caught the gleam of sun that reflected off the shiny black car parked out front. The very familiar black car. He swallowed.

"You know, Ron, we haven't been to see Luna in a few weeks. What do you say we nip over now, yeah?"

"Luna?" Ron asked, puzzled. "We saw her at Hannah's birthday last week."

"Oh, right." Harry had quite began to worry as they quickly drew closer to the car. "Well, we could always ..."

"Look at that!" Ron pointed as he laughed. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

He was pointing to the rear bumper of the flashy car, where a bright yellow sticker that declared Dragons are HOT lovers could clearly been seen.

Harry gulped again. Not noticing his friend's obvious unease, Ron continued undeterred.

"And why would you spoil a gorgeous car like that with a bloody bumper sticker?" Ron frowned and shook his head. Neither of them heard the approaching footsteps. "An ugly yellow one that doesn't even make sense!"

"I'm glad you like my car, Weasley", drawled a smooth voice as its owner sidled up to Ron. Harry covered his face with his hands and groaned, but it went unnoticed, or ignored, by his two companions. "And my bumper sticker makes perfect sense. Doesn't it, Harry?"

Ron spun to look at Harry, who still had his face covered. He was now shaking his head slowly, hoping if he ignored it long enough the whole scene would disappear.

"Harry, what would you know about Malfoy's bumper sticker?" His head snapped to Draco. "Also, why did you just call Harry by his first name?" He turned back to look at Harry. "Why is Malfoy parked outside your flat?" Once again, Ron stared at Draco. "Are the two of you friends now or something? But ..." He stopped short, his head continuing to travel back and forth between Harry and Draco, his brow creased, as though he knew he was on the brink of a huge revelation, but couldn't quite see what it was.

Harry finally let his hands fall to his sides as he narrowed his eyes at Draco, who simply chuckled lightly and leaned back against his car, folding his arms, waiting.

"Ron", Harry began calmly. "Draco and I are", he faltered a bit, "friendly." Harry's gaze drifted to Draco, who snorted at the answer. "I imagine he's parked outside my flat because he's come to see me. He calls me Harry because it's quite unkind to only ever call me Potter." He drew in a deep breath and closed his eyes before finally answering the remaining question. "And I would know about Draco's bumper sticker because I got it for him. We're bedding each other and he's unbelievably good at it."

With that, he turned away from the two lads and made his way up the steps to his building, leaving a spluttering Ron and a laughing Draco behind.

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