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"Draco, do we have to do this again?"

"Don't get all whiny on me, Potter. You're the one who insisted that I take up a muggle hobby"

"I was thinking more like video games! Or gardening! What's wrong with gardening?"

"Nothing. If you're Neville sodding Longbottom, that is. Now, shut up. I'm looking for... here it is!"

Harry glowered in silence as the blonde rummaged his bag for a few minutes before triumphantly pulling out a sleek black camera and about a year's supply of film roll. The lens glinted meaningfully at Harry and the brunette let out a long suffering sigh that Draco had no intention of acknowledging.

"Only professionals still use film", he informed Harry loftily. "That digital crap is just for amateurs."

Harry pouted in response. "Photography is for snobs", he muttered sullenly.

"Would explain why I'm a natural. Now stop being such a philistine, Potter. What could you possibly have against my delightful little hobby?"

Harry scowled and folded his arms across his chest defensively. "Your delightful little hobby involves me stripping at least three times a week. I'm starting to feel like a slab of meat!"

"What can I say?" the blonde replied with a dramatic sigh. "They absolutely insist on giving me all these assignments on nude photography. It's an absolute nuisance, really. Most inconvenient. Now could you take that atrocious shirt off, Potter? I don't want my lens to crack."

The brunette scowled as he unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall to the floor, revealing his tanned smooth chest and emitting a rather satisfied sigh from Draco.

"I still don't understand what kind of assignment could possibly involve three hundred different nude shots of the same model in less than a month", Harry muttered, shimmying out of his boxers.

Draco nodded distractedly. "Assignment, right. Weird, I know. Oh, well. What can you do? That's the business. Now turn around and stretch for me, pet."

"Like this?"

"Ah, just like that ..."

Click. Click. Click.

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