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"What is that?" Draco asked incredulously.

"Why, it's a beard", replied Harry with a shameless grin.

"I managed to deduce as much, thank you. But what in Merlin's name is it doing on your face?" Draco wore an exasperated frown, wrinklig his otherwise smooth skin. He was still standing on the kitchen doorstep, some stray specks of soot from the fireplace clinging to the shoulder of his cloak.

"Growing, I suppose. It's not like I've put a Permanent Sticking Charm on it."

"Trust you to turn into a complete caveman when I'm away. It was only a month, for crying out loud!"

"Plenty of time to grow a beard."

"And a moustache!"

"Well, yes. The beard would be awfully lonely all by itself", Harry admitted, stroking his neatly-trimmed goatee.

"It's disgusting." Draco shrugged off his cloak, dusting off the last of the soot. "I see you haven't even cleaned the fireplace since I left. Too busy watching your facial hair grow, I reckon."

Harry sighed. "Don't be a beast. Come here." He gathered the blond in his arms. "It has been a month since I last got a kiss." Draco tried to squirm free, but Harry soon had him pinned against the doorframe.

"It tickles! Get off me!"

"You'll get used to it", Harry assured him, happily kissing his way along Draco's clean-shaven jaw. "I missed you", he murmured, nuzzling the soft skin below the other man's ear.

"Don't you try to distract me! That face-fur goes. Or I do."

"That's what you said about the earring, too. But I managed to persuade you otherwise, didn't I?"

"You're impossible", Draco sighed, finally relaxing against Harry's body.

"And yet, you love me. Who knows, maybe I'll get a tattoo the next time you're abroad."

"No, you won't. Absolutely not!"

"Try me."

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