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Malfoy's tongue was swirling around it, lips red around the head when he pulled it into his mouth and sucked, then he would pull it out with a pop and began the tongue swirling again, not leaving a single bit unexplored, all of it glistening with saliva. His eyelids were almost shut and his hair was disheveled. He looked utterly debauched.

Harry resisted the urge to moan. In resentment, of course. What Malfoy was doing should be downright illegal.

"Harry?" called Hermione. "Harry!"

"What?" Harry answered, not looking away from Malfoy.

"Aren't you at least going to look at me while I speak?" she huffed.

"I can't", he almost spat.

"Because you're so busy, are you?" Harry could practically hear her rolling her eyes.

"It's just ..." he interrupted himself as Malfoy gave a particularly hard suck. "Malfoy is ... eating a lollipop." This last part was mumbled in a low voice.

"Come again?"

"A lollipop! Malfoy's eating a lollipop!" Harry snapped.

"Ah", she answered, knowingly.

"Don't aha me," he growled.

"Well, why not? You're not even making the effort to pay attention to us, so I assumed it had something to do with Draco", she said. "Besides, I can see he's eating a lollipop, what I don't see is why that is such a matter of importance."

"It's ..." Harry faltered. "He's not only eating it, he's ... he's ..."


"He's fellating it!" Harry growled just as Malfoy was pulling the candy out of his mouth. How come no one else noticed the Slytherin's movements?

"As much as I'm glad you seem to have expanded your vocabulary, he's hardly doing that", Hermione retorted in a cool, almost detached voice.

"Are you looking at him?" Harry asked.

"I am."

"I don't believe you are, because if you were, you would see I'm right."

She hummed disinterestedly.

"You're not even paying attention to me anymore, are you?" Harry asked.

"You should let him be, he's not half bad these days", she scolded. "He even apologized to me."

"I didn't say he was doing something bad", he frowned. "Anyway, I agree. I think he's ... fine."

"Do you really? You're basically glaring at him."

"Am not."

"So are."

"I'm simply ... observing," Harry tried to explain. Hermione snorted.

"Whatever, Harry." He was sure she rolled her eyes again, but he couldn't spare her a look. Harry was completely distracted by Malfoy's ministrations on the candy.

Harry felt flustered all of a sudden, realizing just how much of his attention was placed on Malfoy, just because he was eating a sweet. Seductively eating a sweet. No, not seductive, criminally. Criminally eating a sweet. In a very seductive way. 

"Now you're drooling", Hermione said after a few moments. Harry groaned and ignored her.

"Honestly, Harry." She sighed. "One would think Malfoy-watching is an Olympic sport by how intent you are doing it."

"Hermione, what are you implying, again?" he tried to use the same tone she used when reprimanding him, reminding her of the curious ears around them with a covered look.

"Nothing, I'm just trying to make you admit that you ..." she was still talking, but Harry wasn't listening anymore, because Malfoy had opened his eyes.

He was staring directly at Harry, while still eating the lollipop, and, as impossible as it was, more earnestly than before. Harry's eyes widened and he could feel himself blushing. There was definitely a glint in the grey eyes staring across the hall.

Just then, Malfoy stuck the lollipop into his mouth with a particularly hard suck, gaze never straying from Harry's, as if making sure he had the Gryffindor's complete and undivided attention. And when Harry was sure he was about to burst, Malfoy smirked and crunched the lollipop. The swift, hard bite made Harry shudder all over.

Harry gasped out loud, and Malfoy smiled, obviously pleased. He stood up and sent Harry a wink, before turning and all but swaying out of the Great Hall.

In his haste to stand up, Harry sent a cup flying and toppled his plate over. He didn't even say goodbye to his friends as he hurried to follow Malfoy.

Hermione sighed at Harry's retreating form. "If I'd known it would only take Draco eating a lollipop to spur Harry into action, I would've bought him one ages ago."

"Beat you to it", answered Ron, speaking for the first time since they'd sat down. "Bought him a whole box of them."

"What?" Hermione turned to look at him in surprise before she laughed, pleasantly amazed. "You're really smart, Ronald." she praised, making Ron blush. "Well," she added, smiling suggestively. "Did you happen to keep one of those? I'm terribly craving a lollipop right now."

She laughed again as he hastened to search for one of the candies.

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