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Draco did not like muggles. That was a well-known fact. Also he did not like muggle things. That also was a well-known fact. What was not a well-known fact was that Draco did like those litte muggle umbrellas that came in drinks.

Harry knew that. He also knew that Draco was mad at him. He was not sure why but Draco rarely needed a reason and if he did have a reason he wouldn't tell Harry. Harry would later have fun ranting about that to Ron, who had problems like that with Hermione. However, Harry suspected that there always was an obvious reason that Ron just wasn't seeing. Ron could be oblivious like that.

So Harry, not wanting to have Draco angry with them on a day they were visiting Ron and Hermione, searched through a muggle store till he found a pack of those umbrellas Draco loved so much. 

Carefully, Harry walked in their front door and opened all the little umbrellas. He sat them on the tan carpet in a line leading to the kitchen, where Harry set out Draco's favorite drink, Butterbeer, and placed a green umbrella in it.

Harry crouched down behind the kitchen island when he heard the front door open. He listened carefully and heard a small gasp and curious footsteps entering the kitchen.

Draco let out a moan as his eyes fell on the drink. "I guess I forgive you," he muttered. Harry shot up from his spot and grinned. "If you know why I'm mad at you." Harry frowned. He really did not know.

Harry strongly believed that Draco just liked being mad at Harry so he would do stuff for him. He reached across the island and grabbed the glass of Butterbeer out of Draco's grip. The smirk on the blond slipped off quickly. 

"Well, I'm not sure. But if you're not going to forgive me then I'm just going to take this back." He took a deliberate sip of the drink.

Draco's eyes went wide. "Fine! I'll forgive you if you give me my umbrella and drink back. And I get to keep all the umbrellas." 

"Deal." Harry held his hand out and Draco reached out for it. Once their hands touched Harry grasped hard and pulled him forward. "Only I want something out of it."

Draco kissed Harry on the mouth and Harry decided that since that was probably the only thing he would get right now, it would have to do, because Draco happily sat back down and drank his Butterbeer, the umbrella idly twisting between his fingers. Harry shouldn't have gotten him the umbrellas; now Draco would want to do nothing but look at them. Harry sighed and instead twined his fingers in Draco's hair.

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