handcuffed for 24 hours

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Requested by colbyssnowmenboxers

This is different from the vid and they're already dating! Also I made my own twist so if you want me to delete the twist part I can remake it❤

    Sam's pov:

Me and colby were watching a movie together. It was silent until Colby says "let's do a challenge. How about handcuffed for 24 hours? Our fans request it a lot" "sure! I'll go get the handcuffs" i respond. I go to his room- wait- why does we have handcuffs in our room- whatever. When i comes back i locks the handcuffs on our hands. He turns the cam on and does our normal intro. "Today we will be handcuffed for 24 hours as requests by.. Well.. A lot of you," he says. I blush and look away being embarrassed that he chose this challenge. He chuckles and kisses my cheek. "The first thing we're gonna do is.. We're gonna go on a date!" He says. We stop filming and get it the car. After like 30 minutes of figuring out how to her in the car we finally did it. We hold hands since they're handcuffed. We arrive to this fancy ass place and I am shooketh. Colby smiles at me and brings us to our table. I realized that he isn't filming anymore and I was confused cause we were still handcuffed. We order while hiding our cuffs. Me and him look at each other lovingly. Then he gets on one knee, pulls out a ring, and says "Samuel Golbach. (I forgot how to spell his last name😍) We have been best friends for so many year, we have been dating for three, so I think it's finally time. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?". I am shocked but I soon snap out of it and yell "yes Colby! Of course I will marry you!" Everyone in the restaurant starts clapping as he puts the ring on my finger, then he kisses me and I kiss back. After a little while we sit back in our seats and our food comes out. Colby obviously takes the handcuffs off and says "we are gonna do the actual challenge another day" he says while winking at me. After we eat we pay, then we leave. When we get back to the house, we sit on the couch and cuddle. "I love you Colby.." I say. "I love you too Sam.." He responds.

I'm so so sorry this took so long

Vent. If you don't wanna read it go ahead and skip! :

The reason this took so long is because my life has gone so downhill. I am basically friendless because people can't understand that I can't control certain things I do. Like lying, or not being able to comfort people well, or interrupting people. I have ADHD and it makes it very very hard to control those things. My "best friends" sent me a message saying I wasn't considerate of their feelings and that I am not a good person. But they were the ones who left me out everyday, who made me feel like I'm the worst person in the world, and who ruined my mental health. I also have to study for spring testing because it decides whether or not I go onto high school. Also my mental health is so bad that I can barely get out of bed, and I can't sleep. I'm also starting to get sick.

End of vent:

I hope you enjoyed! If you want me to remake it I can!

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