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izzy_a1234 requested this!

      Sam's pov:

  Me and colby were in the middle of filming but I had the feeling someone was watching us. We decided to split up. I was walking down a hallway until the floor gave out and I fell through. I fell right onto my ankle. I let out a scream. It felt broken and it hurt.. Bad..

  Colby's pov:

I heard Sam scream. I ran towards the voice and saw him crying, holding his ankle. I look up and see a hole in the floor. "Oh crap Sammy! Did you fall through the floor!?" He nods, still crying. "Can you walk?" I ask. He shook his head no. I pick him up and start running to the exit. "I'm taking you to the hospital" I say and carry him to the car. I set him in the passenger side and buckle his seat belt. Then I get in and start driving.

~time skip~

  Once we get to the hospital I carry him inside and tell the nurse what happened. She takes up to a room and I set him in the bed. I then sit on the chair and bounce my leg. The x-ray doctor brings in a wheel chair then takes him to then takes him to the x-ray room. After about 10 minutes they come back and the doctor says that he has a broken ankle and has to wear a boot. I nod and the doctor leaves the room while Sam sits on the hospital bed. "You okay sammy?" I ask. He nods, not talking. After 5 minutes the doctor comes back and puts the boot on Sam. He hands Sam some crutches and asks him to try to walk. Sam starts walking with the crutches. After they make sure he is okay we go home. Since it was very late I helped him upstairs. We layed in our shared bed and fell asleep cuddling.


I'm so so so sorry this took so long. I was in a horrible mental state. Also sorry this one sucked. I will be taking requests now but please don't be surprised if it takes more than a week or two

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