Chapter 2: New People

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She arrived at the cafe and parked her car in a nearby car park. She got out and locked it. After making sure it was locked, she placed her key in her bag and walked to the coffee shop. The smelt of coffee filled the air, sounds of some people chatting and laughing with their friends makes the place look welcoming. The cashier was talking to one of their co-worker while drying a mug with a towel. She walked towards the cashier hearing their conversation towards each other.

"Come on now, you know I really needed someone to help me with Biology," they said. "Even if you had a tutor he or she would probably get killed by Gabriella, you know how she is when you're talking to someone she doesn't know," the shorter guy said. "Yeah, I know but I'm gonna fail this semester if I do, wait hold on let me deal with this for a bit. "Hiya what can I get you today?" They said with a bright smile. Amity's eyes widen when she looked face to face with a cashier. It was a girl just more masculine looking. "Hmm, never seen you here before, you new here? But you do look vaguely familiar," she looked at Amity with confusion the shrugged.

Amity just nodded and gave a smile but in the inside she was screaming: ohmygodohmygodIthoughtshewasaguyforasecondbutwhyisshesohot?! "Uhh, hello?" Amity snapped back to focus, "oh uh sorry. Can I get a chocolate croissant and a cold brew?" The girl nodded and tapped a few things on the screen, "your total is $7.89. Would that be cash or card?" "Cash," she answered taking out $10 dollars. "Hunter, a cold brew," she shouted. The girl was handing Blight her change but was stopped. "You can keep that."

She went to take a seat and took out her phone putting in her earpiece. She was listening to music while scrolling through Instagram. After awhile the girl came and placed her food on the table. "Here you go, enjoy beautiful," she said walking off. Wait...what did she call me? But she just shrugged of the thought and took a picture of her food then posted it for memories of the first day she arrived in Connecticut. She took a sip of her drink then was tapped on the shoulder. She turned around to see the girl from earlier.

"Hi, there. Mind if I take a seat?"

Amity nodded her head aggressively and the brunette sat across her. She took another sip of her drink before being asked. "So what's your name? I'm Luz," she said. "I'm Amity." Luz's expression widen after hearing her name. "Amity? As in Amity Blight?" She asked. Great...I guess what happened there got spread here to. Now my reputation is ruined. "Uhh hello? Blight?" She asked waving her hand in front of Amity's face. "Sorry just lost my thought," she mumbled. "It's alright. So I guess you're Amity Blight, right?" Amity nodded her head and took another sip of her drink.

"So what brings you here in Connecticut?" She asked. "Well my parents moved here because they have business to take care of," she answered. "That sucks but I hope you have gun here," she smiled making Amity let out a little giggle, "I wish I didn't have to move but I can't do much can I?" See usually Amity wouldn't talk to people randomly but Luz was just something else. "Damn. Well, I better go take this time study now. I'll see you around Blight," she got up and left.

Amity just smiled and continued enjoying herself.  "Hello people, I'm here now, so get out," a girl shouted pointing he finger out. People got up and groaned but Amity didn't noticed her. She was minding her own business then the girl slammed her hand on Amity's table making Amity flinch. "Are you deaf or do you not understand? I told you to get out." Her voice was cold, sending shivers down Amity's spine. She packed up her stuff but before she got up she was interrupted by someone.

"Gabriella! Really? You didn't nee to kick everyone out!" Luz complained.

"Well you own this place so why should I care? If it's my darling's then it's mine to," she said making Amity disgusted. She faced back at Amity who was still confused on what was going on. "Are you stupid? I said get out!" She yelled. Amity go up and rolled her eyes. Walking towards the door, she heard them arguing with each other. She walked to a convenient store nearby to buy a pack of gum. She walked in with the digital sound of the bell welcoming her. She grabbed a coke bottle and gum from one of the shelves. Turning around, she accidentally knocked into someone. Making both of them fall to the ground

"Sorry, my bad," the girl said. Amity apologized and got up to help her. "It's alright. Wait, are you new around here? I've never seen you around." The girl dark blue hair and glasses and was slightly shorter than her. "Yeah, I am. I just moved here earlier today," she answered. "That's nice. Well I better get going, nice seeing you." She said waving her goodbye. People here are different...but in a good way. She picked up her things and went to the counter to pay. After that she passed by the cafe again seeing Luz sitting down at the table, saying something with an upset look. The place was empty, just her and Hunter.

She walked back in to the cafe and sat down across her. "Hey you alright?" She asked, concern lacing her voice. "If someone comes in and tells everyone to leave then yells at you over little things then I guess you could say I am," she joked but Amity had a serious look on her face. Her face went from a grin back to a frown. "Hey it's ok, you can talk to me, even if I just met you like an hour ago," Amity shrugged. "It's just every time I'm working and when there's people filling up the place she always comes in and tells everyone to leave. And every time she gets in trouble or upset or anything, she just yells at me saying it was my fault. I don't even know what to do," Luz cried.

"Hey it's ok, maybe just stop talking to her or I don't know ignore her," Amity suggested. "I can't, she's my girlfriend. But even so, I feel like she doesn't even care about me." Girlfriend? The fuck? She's gay? What? But that's just toxic if I'm being honest she thought. She got up and sat next to Luz, placing her hand on the brunette's shoulder and giving it a soft squeeze. "Hey, it's alright. Give it time and when it's the right time, you should break up with her." Luz turned to Amity, her eyes wide.

"But- I- What- Ugh what am I even saying. I meant to say was what if she gets really hurt because I broke her heart?" She asked. "If she really loved you, then she wouldn't treat you like trash," Amity said. "You're right, she wouldn't, thanks. Gee, I feel stupid," Luz said chuckling. "Any time." Both of them smiled not realizing how close their faces were. "So uhm- you two gonna keep looking into each others eyes like that or you gonna kiss?" Hunter asked from behind them, startling the two girls.

"Hunter, you scared the shit out of me," Luz yelled making him snort. Amity felt her cheeks heat up, butterflies in her stomach were making her sick but she pushed away that feeling. "Well, I'm gonna go now. My parents might be looking for me, so uhm- see you around," Amity said leaving. "See you around, Blight." Waving at each other before leaving.

"She nice," Hunter said.

"She really is."

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