Chapter 5: After School Events

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Amity just came back home from her first day at her new school. Feeling both exhausted and glad at the same time because of Luz. Luz Luz Luz, ughh why is this girl on my mind. And why the hell would she drink from the same straw? Is she not disgusted with sharing saliva with someone else? She couldn't get the girl out of her mind. On her bed she laid, taking out her phone from her pocket. She looked from Ryan's contact and clicked on it. She clicked on the call button. It rang once, twice, third and..

||call log||

Ryan 😻: Hey what's up? How was school?
Amity🫠: Hey Ryan, it was a great first day. I made some friends here and all of them are really nice. Except this girl name Gabriella she was lord.
Ryan 😻: Oh, Gabriella? That's uh wow. Pretty common name to be for someone who is mean.
Amity 🫠: For real. So how's it going at Cameron?
Ryan 😻: Nothing new, just a new kid that moved here. His name is Nate, he's a real cool dude.
Amity 🫠: Well, I wish I was still there but I guess it's how it is.
Ryan 😻: I know. Wait...hold on for a minute
*muffled noises*
Ryan 🫠: Hold I'm on a call *muffled talking* what now? *muffled talking* Can't we do it later? *mor muffled talking* Can't you just wait? I'm ona call. We can do it in an hour or later night *muffled begging* fine fine fine. Just, just gimme a minute.
Ryan 😻: Sorry the boys wanna play some football right now and none of them wanna wait til later. Can we stop here and talk tomorrow?
Amity 🫠: Oh, alright. Bye.

||End of call log||

"Ughhhh," she groaned. "What am I gonna do?" She murmured. She didn't have any homework yet, so she couldn't do any work. Her parents were out for work and as much as she didn't want to see her siblings, they're probably busy with work or college. She didn't have many peoples number just her parent's, siblings' and Ryan's. Thinking of what to do which hour, she finally decided to go ask for Luz's number. It was 4:17 pm, she changed into nothing complicated, just a grey sweatpants and a white hoodie.

Grabbing her key and left the house to see if Luz was working at the cafe now. Parking her car at the carpark,  wishing she was so she doesn't leave with an ice milk tea and uhm... a waste of time and petrol. To her luck, Luz was just sitting down while reading a book. She entered the place only having 3 people inside. Luz quickly got up from her place and went to the counter. "Hiya how can I- Oh- Sup Blight?" Realizing that she was serving Amity. shitohshitwhatwasihereforagain?ugghhhhohrighthernumberbutwoulditbeweirdtoaskforitdirectkyfromher? "Uh? Blight, you there? You having a fever or something? Your face is burning up." Amity's face which was now tomato red, "sorry can I uhh get uhh drink? Sorry I meant a name, I meant a vanilla cream. Sorry, can I get your number. WAIT NO I MEAN, canigetamilkteawithasideofyournumberiiimean, never mind forget it," she blurted out, mentally kicking herself.

"Y'know if you wanted my number, you could've just ask, so do you still want the milk tea though?"

"That would be nice," Amity finally able to speak like a normal person instead of being a mess. Why was she like this? I don't know don't ask me. She quickly took a seat to avoid the awkward tension between the two. She sat there and opened up Insta on her phone. She looked at her messages seeing some from random people online which actually creeps her out. Ryan also texted her there about 12 minutes ago. She clicked on his name to see what he texted.

1mstupld: hey ill be out with the boys dont miss me to much ;) ||16:34 pm||
YoungB1ight: Alright, text me when your back. I would like to know how it went. ||16:46 pm||

Most of the time Ryan would always respond back immediately but this time he didn't since he was busy. Amity put in her earpiece and played some music. Luz set her drink down on Amity's table, seeing she was listening to music Luz wanted to know what she was listening to. "Hey Blight. Whatchu listening to?" She asked. Amity took of her earpiece, " Enchanted by Taylor Swift. I really love her songs," humming to the music. "Hmm? I thought you wouldn't be interested much into songs like those." She just scoffed at her answer. "What did you think I was gonna say? I jam to Paul McCartney, if you ask me how I'm I'll say well, hmm."

Luz just laughed at Amity, "hmm I guess you listen to listen to Little Miss Perfect if you say it like that." "I guess I do. Why what's wrong with that?" She questioned. "Well the song is obviously about a smart, straight A girl who fell in love with another girl when she kissed her she went nananana no." She smirked at Amity who just blushed, "o-ok so? It doesn't restrict me from listening to it right?" She rolled her eyes playfully at Amity. "Anyway I would love to chat more but I gotta close, we can talk at my place if you want."

Thinking about going to a schoolmate's house is something new, she just moved here but would she go to someone she just met less than a week? You bet. "Sounds good, best I go now. I gotta visit my siblings after this." Giving her a thumbs up, Amity got up and left to visit her siblings.

About 17 minutes, Amity arrived at her siblings apartment.

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