Chapter 7: Caught And Comfort

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Amity woke up around 6 o'clock, nearly 7. Shit, I overslept. Quickly she did she morning routine except faster. She quickly got into her car realizing she didn't tie her hair. Seeing she was gonna be late, she didn't care and drove off. She hid the mark her mother gave and her eye bags with makeup, hoping no one will notice it. It completely slipped her mind to tie her hair because of that. She stopped by the cafe to buy herself coffee and breakfast since she skipped it. Eating it on the way to school.

She arrived 10 minutes before classes start. She placed her bag and grabbed her books from her locker. She turned around and nearly fell down to the ground. "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that. You alright? You seem a tense." It was Luz, Amity quickly embraced Luz into a tight hug, Luz not surprised on what she did. "Hey, hey it's alright. C'mon let's go somewhere to talk about it." Amity just hugged her tighter not wanting to move. Everyone passing by just giving them a confused look and Luz just gave them an awkward smile.

"Hey, let's get to class, alright?" Instead of answering she looked at Luz. Her face turned from confused to concern. Amity was has been crying, her bloodshot eyes, tears forming and eye bags. Her tears removed the make up from her face, not showing the red mark on her cheek just yet. "Amity..." She picked her up and brought her to the infirmary. She tried placing Amity down on the bed but she was clinging onto Luz. "Amity, mind letting go? I can't breathe." Amity eventually let go of Luz and she sat on the chair by the bed.

An hour has passed and both were still in the infirmary. Their teachers came in to check on them, Luz giving them a reason which was luckily accepted by them. Finally after an eternity, Amity spoke up. "I'm sorry," she said, tears coming down her cheeks again. "Hey, it's alright. You can talk to me if you want, I'm all ears." She looked at Luz with her golden, glossy eyes. Luz thought her eyes were beautiful no matter what. She told Luz about her break up with Ryan and what not, Luz patiently listened without interrupting. Leaving out the part that her mother abused her.

"Forget about him, Amity. You're an amazing person, if he decided to leave you like this then that's his biggest mistake yet. He's blind to not see how you're perfect in every way. Heck I would kill just to be with someone like you. You're smart, pretty and you have a cute laugh, I'll give you that. Anyone would be lucky to be with you. You deserve someone better than him. Guess you made the right choice not to let him take your first kiss." She faced Amity, who was awe struck, eyes widen and glossy, face flushed red and jaw slightly dropped. "I-"

"Luz, babe, there you are. What are you- oh- you," Gabriella pulled opened the curtains, a disgusted look on her face. "Why are talking to my girlfriend? Who gave you the right to talk to her? Tell me you dweeb." Luz was about to say something but Amity cut her to it. "I guess your mom gave me permission to. Like, does your parents own this school? I guess no right? So why don't you get your fake plastic ass out of my sight before you get another plastic surgery?" Amity's comeback made Luz burst out of laughter and Gabriella was fuming. She stomped her foot and sashayed out the infirmary.

"Oh my god- Amity Blight *wheeze* little miss perfect- hah- just insulted the biggest snob in this school without *snort* without- without getting yelled back or slapped. You just made her leave without giving you a mark." Luz spoke in between her laughs and wheezes and snorts, making Amity laugh with her. "Well we better get to class now. The teacher might think you're giving an excuse to 'care for me' because 'My friend is not feeling well' just to skip class," Amity commented, doing hand quotations.

"Alright let's go."

~𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕~

Amity got out of her last class and went to her car. Deciding whether or not to go home, hoping her mother isn't home yet so she can sneak into her room without having to face her after last night's event . Luckily, her parents were out, leaving her at home alone. Not really alone she still has the maids and butlers. She got in her room, dropped her bag by her desk and plopped down her bed, face first. Today was even tiring and it was only day two of school. Her eyes were wondering around her room until her phone caught her attention. It was still in the same position she had left it after she threw it yesterday.

She went over and picked it up, a crack was formed across her screen. "Shit," she mumbled. She turned it one, still in good condition and having only 36% of battery. 37 messages were displayed on screen from an unknown number. She opened it to see what it was, hoping it wasn't a virus or junk mail.

Unknown: heyyy is this amity? 11:45 pm
Unknown: this is luz btw ;) 11:45 pm
Unknown: before u kill me i got ur num from ur siblings yesterday 11:45 pm
Unknown: dont kill them please? i got it from them bcz u had mine but i didnt have urs so... :^ 11:46 pm
Unknown: hellllooo?  11:52 pm
Unknown: amity? 11:52 pm
Unknown: minty? 11:52 pm
Unknown: mity? 11:52 pm
Unknown: mi amor? 11:52 pm
Unknown: princess u there? 11:52 pm
Unknown: hellooo?  11:53 pm
Unknown: :|  11:53 pm
Unknown: maam the pizza hut is closed please answer me 12:02 am
Unknown: *cries bcz the princess wont answer me* 12:02 am
Unknown: Amityyyyyy where r u? 12:02 am
Unknown: i miss uuuuuuuu answer meee 12:13 am
Unknown: im getting worried 12:25 am
Unknown: i would say ur phone ded but it says delivered so its not ded 12:25 am
Unknown: u know im gonna keep spamming 12:25 am
Unknown: oh well good night ;( 12:34 am
Unknown: morning princess :D 6:33 am
Unknown: damn havent read 6:33 am
Unknown: r u alright? 6:46 am
Unknown: should i be worried 6:46 am
Unknown: u stopping by the cafe? 7:12 am
Unknown: u coming to school? 7:16 am
Unknown: im worried... 7:34 am
Unknown: where r u? 7:45 am
Unknown: did something happen? should i call 911 7:56 am
Unknown: *deleted message* 8:23 am
Unknown: *deleted message* 8:23 am
Unknown: *deleted message* 8:23 am
Unknown: hmm... 8:35 am
Unknown: i 8:35 am
Unknown: will 8:35 am
Unknown: commit 8:35 am
Unknown: arson 8:35 am

She just laughed at Luz. Who the hell would be so eager to text? Especially at 12 am?

Princess💖: Oh my lord, Luz. You spammed my entire phone and who would be awake enough to reply to your messages at 12 in the morning? But I'm fine, it was just last nights event so it's fine. 2:34 pm

Not really expecting a reply so fast.

Dorkasaur🦕: oh sorry just excited to talk to u :D 2:34 pm
Dorkasaur🦕: and damn u use punctuation in texts? and capitalized letters wow :o 2:35 pm
Dorkasaur🦕: Little Miss Perfect here uses punctuations in text. How boring :p 2:35 pm
Princess💖: Now you're using punctuations, should I be worried? Do I need to call 911? 2:35 pm
Dorkasaur🦕: nah i just need u to give me a boo boo kiss and ill be alr ;)) 2:36 pm
Princess💖: Haha, real smooth, Noceda. Real smooth. 2:36 pm
Dorkasaur🦕: anyway u free later? i wanna hang out like talk with u get to know u more like friends stuff. what u think? i also want to tell u smth that should be talk in person and not thru text. 2:37 pm
Princess💖: What a confession? 2:37 pm
Dorkasaur🦕: hmm maybe ;) 2:37 pm
Princess💖: Whatever. 2:37 pm
Dorkasaur🦕: aww man no interest in me? man and i thought i would have a chance ;( 2:38 pm
Princess💖: Pfft, in your dreams, Noceda. I'm straight so don't think you have but we can still be friends. 2:38 pm
Dorkasaur🦕: if it means still being close with u then ill do anything even if i have to kill someone i will:) 2:38 pm
Dorkasaur🦕: meet me at the cafe? im working rn but we can still chat while i work. 3:30 work for u? 2:39 pm
Princess💖: Simp and sounds alright. 2:39 pm

She smiled at her messages with Luz.'re the sweets person to me since I got here. Charging her phone, she set up and alarm at 3 o'clock so she can take a short nap.

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