Chapter 9: Swimming Anyone?

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Two weeks has passed since Amity had moved to Connecticut. She's made three close friends so far, unless you include: Hunter, Skara and Boscha, make that six. Gabriella hasn't bothered Luz the entire time but Amity can feel a bad aura every time she hears or goes close Gabriella. Within those two weeks, nothing bad had happened minus her mother's recent abuse, her break-up and becoming Gabriella's biggest enemy. Who knows what she has planned the entire time she kept it low.

𝐋𝐮𝐳'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

It's been two weeks since Amity had moved here. I can't deny that I'm falling for her even more everyday. Since it was a Sunday, I decided to invite my friends to the pool since we had nothing planned today. It was only 8 in the morning, but I would know that everyone but Boscha wakes up at 11 o'clock.

({Natural Disasters of Hexside})

Luz: hey guys any plans today?? 8:03 am
Willow: Not for me idk about the others 8:05 am
Hunter: same 8:06 am
Luz: i was planning to go to the pool today! what u guys think? 8:06 am
Boscha: is that an excuse for u to see everyone in swim suits?? Or a certain someone ;) 8:06 am
Luz: what makes u think that?? and since when r u up this early?? 8:06 am
Skara: Im proud of you Boscha 👏👏👏 8:06 am
Boscha: yeah yeah but srsly answer me @Luz 8:07 am
Luz: pfft, no just bored besides is it wrong to hang out wif u guys? and what certain someone?? 8:07 am
Amity: Hmm? What is about going to the pool? 8:07 am
Boscha: Luz wants to go to the pool as an excuse to see everyone in bathing suits :p 8:07 am
Luz: liar and no wtf?! i would not... 8:07 am
Willow: So we going to the pool or...? 8:08 am
Hunter: yeah we going? me and willow are free 8:08 am
Gus: Im free
Skara: I cant i have to babysit my neighbour's kid 8:08 am
Boscha: tyler?? 8:08 am
Skara: yuh 8:08 am
Boscha: I WANNA JOIN U PLSS 8:08 am
Skara: sure 8:08 am
Boscha: yey :D 8:08 am
Amity: I'm free. 8:15 am
Luz: cool, so just the 5 of us? 8:15 am
Gus: Yup 8:18 am
Amity: Yeah. 8:18 am
Willow: I guess 8:20 am
Hunter: Uh huh 8:21 am
Luz: alright meet up at Lyndlin's?? at 1:30? 8:21 am
Hunter: is it always full there? 8:21 am
Luz: nah 8:21 am
Luz: trust me not many people going there today :3 8:21 am
Willow: okay 8:22 am
Luz: great see yall later ;) 8:22 am
Amity: What's with the winky face? 8:22 am
Boscha: yeah wats wif the face luz 😏 8:22 am
Hunter: yeah luz whats with it? 8:22 am
Boscha: you flirting with someone? 8:22 am
Amity: ,':/ 8:23 am
Boscha: a girl 🥵 8:23 am
Hunter: with long hair 😌 8:23 am
Gus: plus pretty eyes 🫠 8:23 am
Willow: And is adorable 😊 8:23 am
Luz: shut up or ill burn ur house 8:23 am
Amity: What on Earth?8:24 am
Willow: Luz has a crush and she's: pretty, hot af, adorable, smart etc🥵😩🖕🏻8:24 am
Boscha: most definitely 8:24 am
Willow: Yeahshshs 8:24 am
Gus: That's how Luz sees her 🙀8:24 am
Luz: ... 8:24 am
Luz: im gonna get ready... 8:25 am
Amity: ??? 8:25 am
Willow: You'll see later ;) 8:25 am
Luz: i will throw u guys off a fucking building if u plan anything 8:25 am

Great, we're going to the pool today. Even if it's just the five of us, it's better than none. BUT, Willow and the others are planning something and I know that it's going to be something about my crush. I've barely known her but would she even like me back? Obviously, she does. I'm not that oblivious dumbass that I saw on a show about this girl who stumbled into a different realm called the demon realm. She was a human and everyone there were monsters, witches, etc. She went to school, befriended little miss perfect who had a strict mother. Different cliques but they fell in love with each other now fighting some god and destroying emperor. Definitely not her, or that dumb oblivious blonde from France who is secretly a superhero with the power of destruction who always says: sHe's JuSt a FRieNd hen the girl is obviously stuttering and all nervous around him. He's even worst that the girl. I know she likes me because I saw her looking at my lips. She even pulled me in for a kiss but Vee had to ruin it. I didn't tell anyone about what we did at my house or that Amity likes me, I know they'll start pushing us into it.

Sadly, both of us have no idea on how to confess to each other to be sure. I want to confess to her somewhere with: amazing scenery but not to much, somewhere peaceful. I'll figure that out for another time, today, we go to the pool.

~𝟷𝟸:𝟺𝟻 𝚙𝚖~

I was busy wearing my bathing suit so I can just open my shirt later when I wondered if Amity knew where the venue was. So I texted her.

({Natural Disasters of Hexside})

Luz: hey darling~ 12:46 pm
Luz: u know where the place is? 12:46 pm
Amity: No? I could just search it's location. 12:49 pm
Luz: hmm... 12:49 pm
Luz: thought i could pick u up :3 12:49 pm
Amity: Wouldn't that trouble you? 12:49 pm
Luz: its fine 12:49 pm
Boscha: hey luz can u pick me up and send me to starbucks then to skara's house? 12:50 pm
Luz: no 12:50 pm
Boscha: then why pick up amity and not me? 12:50 pm
Luz: Fuck 12:50 pm
Luz: i didnt realize that i was chatting here 12:50 pm
Boscha: u even used the ' :3 ' emoticon and said 'darling' lol 12:50 pm
Luz: SHUT UP 12:51 pm
Skara: 🍿🍿🍿 12:51 pm
Amity: .... 12:51 pm
Boscha: hey amity u know who luz has a crush on ;0 12:51 pm
Amity: Yeah? 12:51 pm
Skara: :o 12:51 pm
Boscha: fr??? 12:51 pm
Amity: Yeah? I do. 12:52 pm
Luz: bai 12:52 pm
Luz: 😀🔫 12:52 pm
Boscha: lol 12:52 pm
Amity: Yeah. Umm...I'll go now. 12:52 pm

I am so gonna kill Boscha. I wanted it to be a good confession but this bitch just gotta do this. God, how am I gonna face Amity later? She's gonna be at the pool, swimming, in her bathing suit- ok ok ok Luz let's not go there. I mean...she knows I like her. Ugh, this is gonna be awkward. What so I do, what do I do, what do I do? I still have about half an hour before we meet up, Steve's on duty today so I don't have to worry about work. Steve is my best employee, he's like the coolest dude. Just wish his brother, Mattholomule, is the same like him. That kid is an asshole. I wonder how Steve is still single? He's like in his 20's already.

Welp might as well as go and pick up Amity at the manor now. Then maybe wait for the others at the pool. Maybe we can try and start a conversation?

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