The Move

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**This chapter has been re-written and edited. However, if you see mistakes, please point them out.**

I stood looking around my small studio as I threw in the last of my clothes into my suitcase. I had lived in this studio above the garage since I was twelve years old, and I was going to miss it.

"Y/N!" I heard called from outside. I went over to the window and looked out. My Uncle Jim was standing with his hands on his hips. He was very friendly and took good care of me for the last few years. Due to unfortunate circumstances, I have had to live with him and his husband. His husband, Uncle Barry, was a warm cuddly teddy bear of a man. I would really miss seeing them every day, but I was excited to start the next chapter in my life.  

I was 20 (for the purpose of the story) and in my third year at university. My university offered the chance for those who were interested to either study abroad at or completely transfer to Seoul National University in Korea. After talking about it with my uncles, I chose to transfer completely. I needed a fresh start somewhere new, as I was beginning to feel like I had no purpose in life anymore.

I had grown fascinated with the Korean culture when I was younger and had travelled through on a layover. We had an entire day to explore Seoul. I don't remember much of what I saw, but remembering loving the food and the people had been very friendly.

"Yes, Uncle Jim?" I called out the widow that looked out towards the front yard and driveway.

"Are you ready to go, darlin'?" He asked me with a little sadness. I nodded my head yes with a small smile. 

"Yes, I will be right down. I just finished packing," I said and ducked my head back inside. I put on my backpack, belted my two large suitcases together with a luggage strap, and then grabbed the handles of one of them and my carry-on suitcase. Thank goodness international flights allow for two checked baggage, plus a carry-on and personal item.  

I got to the door and opened it to see Uncle Barry standing there with a big, yet sad, smile. 

"I'll take those for you honey," he said and grabbed my suitcases. I kept hold of my carry-on suitcase and backpack, then followed him down the stairs. When we got close to Uncle Jim, I could see his watery eyes and slight quiver to his lip.

"Uncle Jim, don't cry!" I exclaimed, tears starting in my eyes as well. "If you cry, I'll cry, then Uncle Barry will cry!" 

"Too late honey," I turned to see Uncle Barry having tears run down his face. I quickly dropped my carry-on, not caring if I broke anything and threw myself in his arms. I felt a set of ups wrap both of us together, knowing that Uncle Jim had joined the hug.

After a long hug, Uncle Jim pulled back. "Y/N, sweetie, let's get you to the airport." I nodded and we went to the car. The small little car fit them and my luggage just right. The drive took about two hours from our small town to the larger one with the airport. They had moved there after everything happened when I was a child. I was forever grateful to them for that. 

After checking in for my flight, my Uncle Jim and Uncle Barry pulled me aside next to the security check point. They looked at the short security line, then to me. Uncle Jim took something from his back pocket and pressed it into my hands. "Honey, open this when you get through security and in a private area. I got you access to the club lounge of my airlines," he informed me. He was a staff to a major airline in the US (feel free to change to your country, it's just the country I know best).  

"Okay," I said teary-eyed. I would have to go through security soon, as it takes a long time. I put the envelope carefully in my backpack and jumped into Uncle Jim's arms. He gave me a long hug. Uncle Jim is my blood family and I have known him my whole life. As he let me go, Uncle Barry gave me a hug as well. They had been married since I turned sixteen, but he became like blood family to me.  

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