Gifts and Truths

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After the hug, the boys led me to one of the couches and sat me down. Jin disappeared and returned with a glass of water for me. I gave a smile in thanks as the other boys ran around the apartment, coming in and out of the room for a few minutes before finally sitting on a sofa.

Jimin and Taehyung were sitting on either side of me, while Jin and Yoongi shared a couch with Hoseok and Jungkook. They had their own glasses of various drinks and bags or boxes next to them. With a start, I realized they had bought me gifts. I nearly choked on the water I was drinking. I felt a hand pound lightly on my back, and turned to see Jimin trying to help me clear the water.

"Th-thanks," I stuttered out. I knew my face was bright red. Jimin just gave me a shy smile and removed his hand slowly from my back. I hadn't realized after I had stopped coughing his hand was still there. Clearing my throat, I looked around the group slightly unsure.

"We realize, you've actually only met a couple of us in person," Jin admitted looking around the room. The boys who hadn't really met me introduced themselves. Then for a while we just talked and got to know each other. By the time an hour had gone by and we knew each other's favorite food, games, sports, etc. Noting the time, Jin signaled everyone in the room subtly, but enough that it caught my attention.

"Y/N, we all got you something for your birthday," Namjoon said, holding up a gift bag. I started to shake my head.

"You didn't have-"

"We wanted to," Hoseok cut me off. I looked at him, biting my lip. I gave a little nod, giving in. It's not like I can refuse, seeing as they had them there.

"Alright..." I said, taking a deep breath. Jin stood up first, bringing me a small box wrapped in pink paper. He handed it over with a small smile and a wink. My heart fluttered, remembering the flirting he did earlier. I had to mentally slap myself to stop lewd thoughts from starting. Shit, I am a virgin, but I have seen plenty of movies and read plenty of books containing smut.

Hesitating for a just a moment, I started to unwrap the gift. I opened the box to see a set of pajamas with an alpaca on them. Smiling, I knew these were RJ, his BT21, character pajamas he had designed. As I lifted them out, I saw another set. It was a set of the Wootteo pajamas that had sold old quickly when released before they went into the military.

"Thank you so much, Jin-oppa!" I felt a giant grin on my face. The fabric of both sets of pajamas was soft and I ran the tips of my fingers across them.


They all watched the girl run her fingers over the cloth, seeing a slight flush to her cheeks. Jin, in particular, felt delighted that she enjoyed the gift. When Y/N giggled and raised the fabric to her face, the boys fought to keep from cooing out loud at how cute she was acting.

"I'm next," Yoongi said shyly, standing up. He handed over a medium sized gift back that was a little heavy. Y/N bit her lip shyly, almost making the boys groan at the cuteness. A few of them were having difficulty keeping their thoughts pure, and there were some subtle moving of legs and seating positions.

They heard her gasp and a few of them felt themselves get hard instantly. They kept their faces calm with a small smile as Y/N pulled a box out of the bag. Yoongi had gifted her some wireless Bose headphones. The really expensive and exclusive ones.

"Yoongi, these are too much," Y/N protested, shooting a frantic look at Yoongi. He just shook his head and then looked away. The boys were happy with the reactions they were getting from Y/N, Yoongi especially. He was still keyed up from earlier and was enjoying the prolonged flirtation.

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