The Favor

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I hope you are all enjoying the newly edited and rewritten parts. 

Bold is English, regular Korean.

"I need a small favor..." Geonnie trailed off as he led me out a back door. Once they got through the door I could hear the sounds of vomiting. Many people vomiting that is. Scrunching my nose and trying not to gag, I looked at Geonnie.

"What the fuck is going on?" I asked with foreboding in English. Geonnie was never one to ask for a favor.

"Several of the trainees and staff have gotten food poisoning. So, we have missing spots in several of the groups. Could you possibly fill in? I have all the practices recorded and I know you are good at picking up dances." He looked at me with pleading, puppy-dog eyes. I froze in place. I felt as if the bottom of my stomach dropped, making me also feel a little nauseous.

Over the time we had been friends Geonnie had brought me out of my shell and learned that I was a dancer and could sing and rap. I also told him why I had stopped dancing. This came out on a day I had gotten almost blackout drunk at his house with him and his friends. Geonnie let me have his shoulder to cry on and helped me start to overcome my guilt a little. I had started to dance over the last few months and even started to sing and rap, but only in private and only with Geonnie.

"Y/N? Y/N!"

"Y-you want me to d-dance, on stage?" I stuttered out. He nodded his head.

"You know I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't an emergency. Not only is it a showcase for the Trainees, it also an example of my work. This will make or break me," Geonnie said with a wavering voice. I could see that he was stressed out and worried. I bit my lip, considering it over. There was no way I could let my only friend down.

"For you, Geonnie, I will do this," I began and Geonnie gave me a hug. "But, I want to hide my identity. This isn't for me, but for you and those who are running towards their dreams." I said into his chest, where my face was currently squished against.

"In this duffel bag you brought me is a USB with the dances and some extra costumes that we didn't have here. I will get you a mask from the staff," Geonnie said as he shoved the duffel bag back into my hands. He hurried off as I stood there in shock as it started to fully sink in what I had agreed to do.

"A small favor, my ass," I muttered.

I opened the duffel bag and noticed it was a mix of men's and women's costumes. I didn't mind which type of dance I did, but did tend to like more active and challenging dances.

As I waited for Geonnie to return, I found Geonnie's laptop on the table with the rest of his belongings. He had a few pictures of him and his friends, a few of my with him on it as well. I plugged in the USB and started to study the dances. I was labeled a dance prodigy when I was 3 years old because it was discovered that I was able to quickly pick up a choreographed dance with a few times of seeing it.

A couple hours later I was practicing a dance when I heard the door open. I turned to see a harried, but happy, Geonnie. He was carrying a pile of face masks that were made from fabric.

"I had the costume department make these. Once you are ready, I have the groups in the practice room waiting for you." I nodded my head and took the masks. I pulled out a bottle of water from the duffel and drank it as I followed him out of the room.

"There is one mask for every performance. That way, you will match the costumes. Now, let's go!" Geonnie grabbed the arm with the now closed water bottle as he dragged me behind him. Frantically I put on the first mask in the pile as he moved swiftly, putting the rest in the duffel bag and carried it with me.

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