Aftermath with a side of fluff

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A/N: Warning, there will be smut/flirty/dirty minds/etc. Starting this chapter. I will also NO LONGER warn about these things. I will only be warning about triggers from now on.


What happened?

Yoongi and Jin had called Sejin to deal with the police as they stayed with Y/N. The medics checked her in a back room and Yoongi and Jin were asked to wait outside while they did intensive inspection. Y/N had regained consciousness as they carried her to the room for privacy. At first, she fought against the hands that were carrying her. But Yoongi and Jin spoke to her and she calmed down quickly. Somehow, Y/N had grown to trust them, even though they had only known each other for a short time.

The medics came out, leaving behind a patched-up Y/N. They discovered Y/N was able to hold off the attack until help came and she hadn't been fully violated. Y/N was quickly sobering up and was relieved to hear the results. When the medics left, Yoongi and Jin poked their heads in the room, not wanting make her uncomfortable since they had partially witnessed what had happened.

"Y/N?" Jin asked, his face hopeful and yet worried. Yoongi kept his face smooth, but his heart was breaking inside looking at Y/N. Her makeup and hair were ruined by the struggle, she was still beautiful.

"Seo-Seokjin-ssi?" Y/N asked, not quite sure what she was seeing was correct.

"Remember, just call me Jin," Jin said gently, as he took a step into the room. Yoongi stayed near the door, not wanting to crowd her in the room.

"Ah, yes, Jin, sorry," Y/N mumbled, looking down at her hands folded in her lap. Jin took another hesitant step forward, making sure to scuff his shoes so that Y/N was aware. He was treating her like a wary animal, but it was worth it.

"No need to say sorry," Jin said was another gentle smile. He continued the slow approach towards Y/N until he was only a step apart. When he was close enough, Jin crouched down in front of Y/N. Y/N looked up at Jin with a sad smile.

"Happy birthday to me, right?" Y/N said and just shook her head. "It was the closest a guy has ever gotten to do that to me, but it's not the first." Y/N said quietly, wringing her fingers, doing her best to not pull on the IV that was attached to her arm. She broke eye contact with Jin and looked back at her fingers.

"And you should have never had to deal with anything unwanted," Yoongi said angrily from his spot by the door. Y/N looked up at him and give me a half-smile, just lifting the right side of her mouth to say "Yeah, but that's life." Taking this as a positive sign, Yoongi entered the room a few steps. Y/N thought she would be afraid of them, since the first time someone had groped her, she had been afraid of others. But she wasn't. Not of these men. Men who show the world that you should love you and they love you, too.

Y/N found nothing threatening about them.


I had begun to sober up once the medics gave me some medication. They also gave me some IV fluids with something in it to help me get the alcohol out of my system. It wasn't a cure, but it made me process the alcohol faster.

My heart raced around the medics, but they assured me that it was okay, they understood. I was hesitant to trust the strangers, but knew it was important to do so. They were trained professionals, right? To make sure I'm alive and healthy and to treat my now aching body that was burning where I got cut. Wait, how did I get cut? Never mind, don't think about it right now.

The medics left, instructing me that once the fluids are done, I can go home. I heard a small sound from the door and saw that it was Jin and Yoongi. Wait, why are they here?

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