After and Drinks

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Here is the latest update. I hope you like it and the edits.

It had been a few weeks since the showcase and Geonnie got the job. He was a choreographer and stage manager for HYBE. I couldn't be happier for him. We celebrated when he got the news, and Geonnie made sure to thank me, because it wouldn't have happened if it hadn't been for me. I kept trying to tell him it was okay, that he didn't need to thank me, but he wouldn't listen. I was sitting on a bench outside of the university enjoying the weather.

I thought back to the last performance I did, the song Human by Christina Perri. I realized this song epitomized what life was like for idols and celebrities. So, when I got to the end I changed the lyrics.

You (I) can take so much,

'Till you've (I've) had enough.

'Cause you're (I'm) only human,

And you (I) bleed when you (I) fall down.

You're (I'm) only human,

And you (I) crash and you (I) break down.

Their (Your) words in your (my) head, knives in your (my) heart.

They (You) build you (me) up and then you (I) fall apart,

'Cause you're (I'm) only human...

When I had finished singing with my heart trying to empathize with the idols in the room, the audience was absolutely silent. You could hear a pin drop. Then everyone was on their feet, giving a standing ovation. I felt strange and but gave deeps bows to every section of the audience then as calmly as I could then walked off the stage.

"Bella, that was amazing!" Geonnie said, sweeping me up into a hug, spinning me around. I giggled as he put me down on my feet. Hoseok was still standing back stage and he had tears running down his face.

"You changed the lyrics at the end," Geonnie noted as I forcefully dragged my eyes away from Hoseok.

"I felt it was appropriate. This entire place is full of idols and celebrities. I felt this song really identifies with them and what they deal with every day. They love their fans and their work, but it does take a toll. I just wanted everyone to know that there is someone out there that understands," I said shyly. I was looking at my feet, playing with my fingers.

"It's okay, the main focus was the stage lighting and set up anyways," Geonnie assured me and he hurried off to do something. I just frowned, feeling like I was some child to be dismissed. It's because he's busy, I thought to myself and went to the dressing room I was in earlier. I didn't feel like it was a bad thing I changed the lyrics.


They kept talking about Bella, the performer that helped during the showcase. Hoseok informed them of her name and that she was a friend of the intern.

"Maybe we should try and find Bella? I think she would make a great idol," Taehyung said, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"I don't know, Tae-ah, she didn't want anyone to know what she looked like," Hoseok pointed out to the group. They all nodded in agreement.

"But she killed it. She rocked Yoongi-hyung's rap," Jungkook said, still in awe.

A few weeks later, the boys were walking in the halls of the HYBE building, on their way out when they ran into someone Hoseok recognized.

"Oh, Lee Geon-ssi," Hoseok said in surprise. The intern from the showcase was wearing a staff badge and following around one of the concert stage designers. The two men stopped and bowed to the idols.

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