The Question

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As the boys released me, I sniffed and wiped my eyes. I felt embarrassed about my reaction, or I guess over-reaction to the situation. I felt like everything was just too much, that for some reason everything I felt in response to them was always over the top, and I don't know why it happened.

"You all have nothing to apologize for, I should apologize. I always have drama and end up calling one of you, or causing you drama." I step back more, running into the sink while hanging my head in shame.

"Nonsense," Namjoon growled out. I looked at him confused. "You don't cause us drama."

"And it's only right you call us when you need us," I turned to see Jungkook leaning against Hoseok. "We are your family." I just stared at him.

"F- family?" I stuttered out quietly.

"Of course!" They all answered. I felt both happy and sad again. Family, as their sister, not as someone they could ever be in love with. I gave them the best smile I could and let them pull me into a group hug again.

"Let's go sit in the living room and chat," Namjoon said, giving everyone a look. I didn't understand what the look was trying to say, but followed them quietly and sat on one of the recliners. The rest of the boys went and sat on the various sofas. They looked a little anxious and it made me nervous.

"So, what's up?" I asked, trying to sound relaxed. They all giggled at my comment and it let them all relax a little before Namjoon cleared his throat, but it was Yoongi who spoke first.

"So, Y/N, what do you think of same-sex relationships?" I felt my stomach drop a little, realizing that my hunches were true, they were all in relationships with each other. But I had nothing against it.

"Oh, I think they're whatever. I'm not in the relationship, so what should it matter what I think?" I asked, inspecting my fingernails. "But I have nothing against it. To each their own. Love is love. I'm also a unique case," I added softly. But Hoseok, who was sitting nearest to me, heard.

"What do you mean you are a unique case?" They all turned to Hoseok before turning their eyes back to me. I shrugged a little before answering.

"I had to do a lot of research on this during high school because I was confused as hell, and so were my uncles. By the way, you know my uncles are married to each other, right?" It seemed they had forgotten.

"What did you have to research?" Jungkook pressed from his spot on the sofa between Jin and Namjoon.

"I was not feeling any attraction to anyone really, but then randomly I would start to develop feelings for someone but it didn't seem to make sense," I rambled out. I stopped and took a deep breath before continuing on. "I am a mix of a demisexual and a sapiosexual."

Everyone seemed a bit confused because I used the English terms because Korean didn't have an equivalent. When I didn't see any recognition, I explained further.

"I don't feel attraction based on physical appearances, but rather, I feel attraction when I make an emotional connection or to people who I find extremely intelligent," I said, shrugging again. I didn't look at them this time, but rather at my now clenched hands in my lap.

"Oh, I think I have heard of that before," I turned to look at Taehyung, who was sitting with his legs draped over the laps of both Jimin and Hoseok.

"Okay, so I guess the next question is harder for us to ask without risk," Namjoon said quietly. Then, once again, Yoongi stepped forward.

"What do you think of polyamorous relationships?" I just looked at him with brows furrowed for a moment, trying to remember what it meant. I knew there were polyamorous and polygamous relationships, but always got the two mixed up. Oh right, polyamorous was multiple dating people and polygamous was married to multiple people.

"I don't really have an opinion on the matter. I've never been in one, so I don't have much experience in that sense. But like I said, love is love." I then looked at each one of them and saw them looking relieved. Then it clicked. "Oh, you are all together." I didn't say it like a question. Everything started to make sense.

"Yes, we are." I turned to see that Jimin looked very proud and confident in his answer. Heart sinking further, knowing that I will always be on the outside, I gave them all another smile.

"Congratulations!" I said and jumped up. Because, even though I was sad, I was very happy for all of them.

They looked at me like I grown an extra head. I tilted my head at them in confusion, raising an eyebrow.

"What, I can't be happy for you all?" They all traded looks and then looked back at me and smiled. Then they stood up and joined me in celebrating. I was once again pulled into a tight embrace and then looked up to see Namjoon smiling down at me, showing his dimples.

"Thank you."

AN: Another story snippet. I am giving small snippets to keep you all satisfied for a little longer.... until my work calms down a little more.


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