~ Chapter One ~

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"Are you kidding me right now?!" My dad screamed at me as I walked through the front door. I slightly flinched. 

"What  happened?" I asked, not knowing what triggered my dad...again.

"You know damn well what happened Skylar Rae!" He continued screaming, becoming more aggressive. I know he is truly upset when he uses my middle name. I however was very confused why he was so upset this time. "Dad, just talk to me. We can figure this out." I said, setting my bag down by the front door and taking off my jacket. He just looked at me, with pure rage. 

"Skylar I'm so done trying with you. You don't listen or respect me! Go pack your things. You're going to live with your aunt Lydia." My dad said turning away from me and throwing the glass of water he had in his hand. I couldn't help but squeal a little bit. 

I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs to my room. I slammed the door and locked it behind me. I grabbed my two suitcases from under my bed. They were both filled with my clothes and other personal belongings. I had already planned on leaving and packed my things the other night. But I didn't think the day would come when I would ACTUALLY get to leave this house. 


My dad and I don't have a great relationship. After my mom died, he went completely off the rails. Drinking, drugs, leaving for days at a time. It wasn't bad at first. He left me alone in the beginning, we just co-existed. Until he became angry. He hated himself for what happened to my mom. Which led him to take his anger out on me. I used to go to school with bruises all the time. There were rare occasions where I'd go with cuts on me. 

I lifted up my shirt and lightly traced with my fingers, a large scar that covered the right side of my rib cage. Shivers erupted through my body. I shook my head and continued packing the last few items that weren't already in my suitcases. Once I was finished, I headed downstairs with all my things. Dad was already out in the barn loading my horses into the trailer.

I have two horses. A '16.2' black gelding, and a '15.9' chestnut mare. The black Gelding is named Cash-Money (Cash). The chestnut mare is named Storm-Chaser (Storm). They are my entire life. Everything I do is for them. 

I went outside to where my dad's truck was and began throwing my luggage in the back. I then went to help him with the horses. I loaded Cash while he loaded Storm.  Once the horses were all settled I filled up their water buckets and hay nets and put them on the hooks inside the trailer. Then put all their tack and personal items in the mid-tack area in the trailer. 

"Ready to go?" My dad asked, avoiding eye contact. I nodded my head and got in the truck. 


36 hours later and we finally arrived at my Aunt Lydia's house. That was the longest and most awkward trip EVER! My Dad and I switched off driving every 6-8 hours. Occasionally stopped for food, gas and to let the horses stretch.

 The scenery is so beautiful here though, I have to admit. I'm excited for a fresh start. At my last school I didn't have the best of luck. You'd think living in Houston would produce lots of 'country' kids but apparently not. I was one of five kids there who actually rode horses. The other four kids were extremely close. They all grew up and rode together. They weren't looking to expand their group. Which made me the outcast. I also had a reputation of not being friendly. Which prevented me from making friends.

"Skylar Rae!" My Aunt Lydia screamed, running towards me. She had the biggest smile on her face. I hopped out of the truck leaving the passenger door open and ran to her. I lunged into her arms and hugged her tightly. She squealed and began caressing my hair. It was refreshing, being treated like I was important. But then reality came rushing back. 

"Skylar!" My dad screamed getting out of the truck. I turned my head in his direction, giving him a confused look. "Close the damn door." He said, pointing at my door while walking to unload the horses. Aunt Lydia gave me a sympathetic smile and nodded. I ran and closed my door, then went to help Dad. 

Once the horses were all settled in their stalls, me and aunt Lydia went to take dad to the airport. Dad and I took my truck and trailer out here so that I didn't have to use Aunt Lydia's. Dad said he was going to fly back out to Texas instead of driving my truck back. 

Once we arrived we walked Dad to his gate and said our goodbyes. 

"Bye dad.." I said hesitantly walking towards him. "You better behave for Lydia, or those horses are gone." Dad said while grabbing his bag and walking towards me. I nodded. He held out his hand. I shook it and he hugged Lydia. That is what our relationship looks like. Minimal contact. I don't mind though. He has never really been a father to me. Just someone I've lived with my whole life. 

Me and Aunt Lydia watched dad walk away and headed home.



Word count: 932

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