~ Chapter Six ~

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What happened next was either from the excitement that was coursing through my veins or my clouded judgment. Either way, I regretted it immediately. I took my hat off my head and kissed Carson.

My body melted into his. It has been a while since I have kissed someone. There is no denying the sparks between us, but this goes against every rule of mine. I cannot fall in love. It's too risky.

My lips parted from him and we both locked eyes. A smirk plastered across his face.

That damn smirk.

"Carson. I can't– we can't– I need to go." I stuttered and released myself from his grasp. It felt like I couldn't get away any quicker. So, I hopped onto Storm. I slightly nudged her sides and she took off towards the trailer.

"Skylar, wait!" Carson screamed in the distance. Once we got to my trailer I hopped off Storm. I un-tacked her and began packing away all of her things, along with Cash's things.

"What's the rush, my little winner?" Lydia asked, slightly nudging my sides with a smile spread across her face. "We need to go, Aunt Lydia, right now!" I yelled. She flinched at the tone of my voice and began helping me pack. Lydia put away all of our things into the living quarters while I finished packing the horses' things away. I then loaded them both back into the trailer and locked the trailer door.

"Let's go!" I shouted while getting into the driver's seat. I decided to drive so we could get out of there quicker. "Skylar, talk to me. What is going on?" Lydia asked in a concerned tone.

"We kissed." I choked out.

"No way! You and your cowboy kissed?!" Lydia said, excited.

"This isn't good Lydia, and he isn't my cowboy!" I replied.

"Skylar, it's okay to let people in–" She began to say.

"No! No, it isn't. You don't understand." I said, shaking my head as I turned the radio on to prevent us from talking. As we were about to exit the gates I saw Carson, standing in the same place I left him after we kissed. I pretended not to see him and took off.



Carson and I haven't talked since the rodeo. Part of me feels bad, but at the same time, I feel angry.

As I was thinking about what had happened between Carson and me, notifications started popping up on my phone.

Carson: Hey, can we talk?

Carson: Sky?

Carson: Look, I'm sorry about what happened. Can we start over?

I sat there staring at my phone, unsure whether I should answer or not.

Me: Come over.

Me: And bring the trick riding tack.

Carson: Be there in 10. ;)

I threw my phone on my bed and headed to my closet. I shimmied into a pair of black leggings and a purple t-shirt. Then I slipped into my van's shoes. I took the braids out of my hair that I had done last night and loosened the curls.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Lydia asked, hearing me plow down the stairs. I ran over to her, gave her a quick peck on the cheek, and headed toward the door.

"Trick riding lessons!" I shouted, closing the door behind me. I hurried to the barn and began getting Cash ready. Brushing his coat, picking his hoofs, and braiding his mane. I heard tire tracks heading down our long gravel driveway. I rushed out of the barn and signaled Carson where to park. He had a horse trailer hitched to the back of his truck, making me slightly confused.

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