~ Chapter Three ~

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"Riley, hey!" my aunt said, talking to one of the waitresses at the diner. We both took a seat at the bar-stools. Riley walks over to us and gives Lydia a huge hug, then continues wiping the counters. "How can I help you lovely ladies today?" Riley said. Aunt Lydia looks at me and shoots me a warm smile. "Well, this little lady needs a job." Lydia said, lightly caressing my hair. Riley looks at me and immediately perks up. She then points to a sign at the counter that reads, "HELP WANTED!" I smiled at the nice lady and then nodded. "When can I start?" I asked. "Now, if you'd like!" She said. 


It's been a few weeks since I've started working at the diner. I am actually enjoying it. I didn't think I was a people person until now. The amount of people that come in and out of here are crazy. I've gotten to know so many people from this small town. Everyone is so nice, it's almost scary. 

"Sky!" Said a short brunette, walking out of the kitchen carrying 4 plates. "What's up?" I said, turning around to face her. "The annual fair is next week, are you planning on going?" She asked. 

The short, perky brunette's name is Amber, Amber Lee. She is a year younger than me. Her mother, Riley owns the diner. Amber and I have become pretty close since I started working here.

"Annual fair?" I asked, while turning around to wipe the counter. "Yup! You HAVE to go. It'll give you a chance to get to know more people our age." She said almost dropping the plates she was carrying. I lunged towards her, catching a few of the plates. She awkwardly laughed and set the other plates on the counter. 

"I don't know. Between working and riding my horses, I don't have much time for anything." I said. Amber wipes her forehead with the back of her hand and sighs. "There's going to be a rodeo, if that will change your mind." She said, eyeing me and picking up the plates. 

I haven't ridden in a rodeo since I was living in Houston. This could be a good way for me to work on my barrel skills. I used to be the number one Barrel Racer in Texas. That is, until Cash's accident. I use both of my horses for barrel racing. Usually Storm. However, I decided to ride Cash for one of my last rodeo's. He gets antsy when he isn't ridden very often. On the third barrel, coming home Cash tripped over the uneven arena dirt. Causing him to snap his leg and fall to the ground. Luckily it was a minor break. The vet and my father wanted me to put him down. I refused though.  So I paid for his surgery. My entire life's savings. It was all worth it though. 

"Really? I might have to enter. My horses are longing to rodeo again." I said, slightly smiling. Amber smiled while walking to a nearby table. "Already entered you." She said, winking at me. I laughed and shook my head. "Oh yeah? What If I would've said no?" I said playfully poking her side. "I knew you wouldn't. I am very good at convincing people." She said with a smirk. 


Me and Amber usually hangout after work. She either comes to the ranch so we can go for a ride or we go to the lake. The lake is where most teenagers in this small town hangout. So it is usually pretty crowded. 

"I hope you brought your swimsuit!" Amber said while stripping off her diner uniform by the water. 

"I didn't. Maybe next time, I'll just watch you for now." I said, not wanting to show my body. Ever since I got the scars on my torso I never wear revealing clothes. Even when I go swimming. 

Amber rolled her eyes at me and then jumped in the water. A blonde cowboy followed closely behind her. I am assuming it's her boyfriend by the way they act with each other. Amber's screams flooded my ears. I sat down and just enjoyed watching them messing around. 

"Look who it is, the trespasser!" A familiar voice said from behind me. I turned my head, only to reveal that same cowboy from my trail ride with Cash and Storm. I couldn't quite remember his name. Caden? Conner? 

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