~ Chapter Two ~

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5:27 AM

It is my first morning here in Montana. The view from my room is absolutely gorgeous. The sun hasn't risen yet but all the city lights flooding the valley are breathtaking. Mixed with the slightly snowy mountains is just a perfect combination. I decided to go for a sunset ride this morning. 

I roll over to the right side of my bed to reach my phone.  I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, combed my hair, put on deodorant then went back to my bedroom. I opened one of my suitcases and grabbed my jeans. 

I didn't have time to unpack yesterday. Cash was very restless last night and I had to spend most of the night out there when we got back from the airport.

I shimmied on my jeans, slightly jumping to get them past my thighs. I then grabbed a white tank top and threw it on. Since it was a little cold I decided to layer a light brown long sleeve shirt over my tank top. I then grabbed my black Carhartt hoodie and put that on.

After I slipped my boots on I headed out to the barn. While I waited for the horses to finish eating their feed I unloaded the trailer. I put both of their totes outside their stalls and hung up their lead ropes. I grabbed all the saddles I brought and hung them up inside the tack room. 

This is a pretty nice barn. Five stalls. 3/5 stalls are currently occupied. My aunt's horse is across the aisle from my horses. She is a pretty calm horse. Looks to be around '15' hands high. Cute and petite palomino. She seems short compared to my large and stocky quarter horses. 

Storm always lets me know when she is done eating. She likes her wet feed bucket to be removed as soon as shes done. She snorts and knocks her bucket off the hook inside her stall. 

"Are you ready to go for a ride?" I asked Storm while grabbing her feed bucket. She snorts in response and slightly paces in her stall. I smile and walk over to Cash's stall. He only ate half of his Feed and some of his morning hay. I sigh and take his feed bucket out of his stall. Cash is usually the first to finish his food. I think he is just having a hard time settling in. 

"I know what'll help with that." I mumbled to Cash while smirking. I clipped the lead rope to his halter and walked him out of his stall. I put him in the cross ties while I went to grab Storm. I then walked her over to the cross ties as well. I decided to ride Cash and lead Storm separately. 

I started grooming Cash. I started by brushing him all over. Then I picked his feet and combed his mane and tail. I threw on his grey saddle pad and then grabbed his saddle. I threw the saddle on his back and began to tighten it. 


6:03 AM

I was riding through the trees with Cash and Storm. You could tell they were both enjoying being out here a lot. Storm is very aware of her surroundings. She constantly keeps stopping and listening to the sounds surrounding us. Cash is more laid back but is holding his head high and observing every detail. 

Once we reached the top of the small mountain I pulled out an apple from my saddle bag. I take a couple bites and split the rest between Storm and Cash. I hop off Cash and then lead him and Storm to a nearby tree. I tied both of them to a branch and walked to the edge of the cliff we were on. I sat down and pulled out my phone. I opened my music and turned on my Zach Bryan playlist. I sat there for a while watching the sunrise. 

It's so calming up here. Not a care in the world. I leaned back against a nearby rock behind me. It was so peaceful just relaxing, watching the sunrise with my horses. You could tell they loved it as well. Storm was just standing there with her ears perked up, she has always been my curious one. I love it though. She is full of surprises. Cash on the other hand, he is basically bulletproof. Nothing scares him. And you can tell he is just grateful to be here. He is a very calm horse. 

"You're trespassing ya' know?" A deep, raspy voice said from behind me. I shot up and turned around.  An unfamiliar face was presented in front of me. He looked to be around my age. Dark brown hair that peaked out from the sides of his white straw cowboy hat. His hoodie was pretty loose on him but I could see a faint outline of his muscular body. 

"Uh, you okay?" He asked while hopping off his horse. I completely forgot he was talking to me. I snapped out of the trance and nodded. He slowly walked towards me, leading his horse behind him. He is way taller than me. He has to be at least 6'2. And I'm pretty sure he noticed me checking him out. A smirk plastered on his face. 

"Sorry, I didn't know this was private land. I'll leave." I said while walking towards my horses. I could feel his eyes following me. I untied both of my horses and hopped on Cash. I fixed my black felt cowboy hat and slightly turned my head around to look at him. Sure enough, he was still staring at me. Only now he was back on his horse. I wrapped Storms lead rope around the horn of my saddle and lightly nudged Cash. Showing that it was time to head out. I glanced back at the guy and he still had his eyes trailing on me. I awkwardly smiled and tipped my hat at him. 

"I'm Carson." He shouted as I was heading back down the trail. I smirked to myself and held up a thumbs up away from me. I heard him chuckle. I made a kiss sound with my mouth to let Cash know to speed up. He sped up to a trot and Storm followed closely besides us. 

Once I got back to the house I un-tacked the horses and put them away. Then I made my way to the house.

"Hey! You're up early." My Aunt said walking towards me with a smile plastered on her face. "Yeah, I decided to take them for a ride this morning." I said. My Aunt nodded, still smiling. "Well, I'm headed into town. I figured you might want to join me? I'm sure we could get you a job at the diner." Lydia said. I smiled slightly. "Sure." I said while hopping into her truck. 



Word count: 1178

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