What's Done In The Dark

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I knew I was wrong from the jump but I couldn't resist. Devale is/was my best friend and we fucked that up. We started off as truly the best of friends but we then morphed into something else. I loved Devale with all my heart but I know that deep down what we did was wrong. In the amount of time that I knew Devale I fell in love with him and was good at hiding my feelings until that one fateful night.

September 2019

I have just pulled into Devale and Khadeen's driveway. We were about to do a promotional live on Instagram and we decided to do it in Devale's mancave, which wasn't unusual. Khadeen had decided to cook some good jerk chicken with peas and rice. It was good, I ate and drank two glasses of wine with my dinner to Devales's four shots of Hennessy. No one on the live knew we were inebriated; they just thought we were being our silly selves which we were. We did the live and ended it about an hour after, I was watching the Nets game with Dvevale. He was definitely a NY sports fan even if he did live in Atlanta now. We watched the game while still drinking. I was on my fifth glass of wine and Devale was on his sixth shot of Hennessy. I was looking at nothing in particular when I felt a hand on my thigh. I turned to look at Devale with a variety of emotions showing on my face. When I drink everything that I normally hide, especially my emotions become transparent.

I looked at him with a look of lust and his eyes held the same intense look. I wanted to lick him all over and fuck him right there. I knew my feelings were showing and I had to get out of there. I quickly stood up and moved faster than I should have. I was slightly dizzy but I had made my way to the door before I felt his hands on my waist. I regret wearing this cropped sweatshirt and biker shorts now. His hands felt wonderful on my body and I wanted more but I knew that I couldn't do this but what got to me was feeling him press his hard dick on my ass. I tried my best in my drunken state to pull away but I couldn't. Devale placed his face in the bend of my neck and kissed me there. We were leaning against the wall by the steps that led directly to his man cave in the basement. I was trying my best to get away but with the alcohol running through my veins it was hard. I pulled away and tried to walk up the stairs but Devale pulled me back.

"Crys, please. All I think about is you."

"Devale, we can't." I said trying to maintain my composure.

"Crys, when I fuck my wife I can't get off unless I'm imaging it's you. I know that's fucked up but it's true."

"Don't Vale, please!"

I knew he was telling the truth because alcohol has always been his truth serum. It was mine too.

"I want you Crys. I love you more than a friend."

"Devale we can't. I'm your friend as well as your wife's and the godmother to your son. I can't."

"Crys, you are so much more than that though."

"Please, let me go Devale."

His hands remained on my body holding my back tight to his front. I wasn't touching him with my hands but I felt him all over me.

"The door is locked and this room is soundproof, Kay got tired of hearing my loud claps and screams when I'm watching shows or sports. The kids are asleep and Kay is probably on her way to sleep too."

"I can't do this Devale!" I said feeling a little more sober.

What got me was when he turned me around and looked into my eyes and admitted that he loved me. He turned me around and everything was evident in his eyes. I peered deep into his soul for a few seconds and I saw all I needed to see. I saw love abundantly, lust, and so much more. He pulled my face towards him and kissed me. I was gone as soon as his lips touched mine. I kissed him with everything in me and I felt every bit of his profession of love in his kiss. He licked my lips and pulled my bottom lip with his teeth. I looked into his eyes and kissed him back. I hadn't even noticed we had been moving until my back hit the wall that we were closest to. Suddenly my back was against the wall and my legs were wrapped around Devale's waist. I am so ashamed to say what happened next but it's integral to the story of our love.

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