I Just Wanna...Part 3

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It had been 3 months since Crystal had found out she was pregnant. She was doing a good job at hiding her small belly. It was just her luck that she was carrying small but the baby made her ass get bigger. That was really the only noticeable thing that everyone in the cast was wondering. They were shooting Sistas and Zatima at the same time so that Crystal would be able to be off in the later part of her pregnancy. Only those who needed to know, knew she was pregnant. That was mainly Tyler, the head wardrobe person and a few others who were bound to secrecy with iron clad NDAs. Everyone knows there are a few people that Tyler doesn't play about and Crystal is definitely one of them. The cast did wonder why they were shooting Sistas and Zatima at the same time but no one put the dots together but KJ. She and Crystal were the closest out of all the cast besides Crystal and Devale.

There was a knock on Crystal's dorm door. She answered wearing an oversized hoodie and booty shorts. KJ was at the door.

"Hey sis."

"Heyyyyyyy what's up?" Crystal responded.

"So..." KJ looked at her with a suspicious smile.


"You wanna tell me the reason why you're shooting two shows at once?"

"It's better this way right now."

"Oh really? Why is that?"

"Spit it out Khaniesha, what are you asking?"

"Damn the whole government. Crys, you know I love you, right?"

"I know that."

"So don't take this the wrong way but...ummm...are you pregnant?"

"Fuck." Crystal said lowly, turning away from KJ. "Is it that obvious?"

"It is to me because besides you and Devale, you and I have the most scenes together. I also noticed you don't drink anymore, you're moody AF, and always sleepy. Plus this schedule."

"I am KJ, but you can't tell anyone yet. We've got something special planned for the last day of shooting."

"Ooooohhh, KJ's gonna be an auntie. I'm about to be the rich Auntie!" They both laughed.

"Look, your bro put a whole human in me." Crystal said, lifting her hoodie to show off her bump.

"Awwwwe. Oh my gosh, Crys. You're little bump is too cute! Can I?" She asked, indicating if she could touch Crystal's belly.

"Yes," she responded with a smile.

"Talk to me. How far along are you? Do you know what you're having?"

"I'm almost 5 months. Next week is 5 months for me. I find out on Friday what I'm having."

"How is D feeling about everything?"

Just as she asked about him he came through the door with food and called out for Crystal since she didn't meet him near the door like usual.

"Babe, I'm in the living room with KJ."

"Hey mamas, how are you? How was your day?"

"It was good and KJ knows babe."

"Awww damn but yes KJ, you're about to be an Auntie again."

"I'm happy for you guys. D, what do you think the baby is?" She asked as he hugged Crystal and kissed her belly.

"I keep telling Crystal she's going to give me my daughters but she keeps saying she thinks it's another boy."

"Renee, sorry to break it to you but you're having a girl." KJ stated, matter of factly.

All three busted out laughing knowing that was probably the case. KJ stayed a little while longer and was sworn to secrecy by her bro and sis. At least until the season wrap party where they'll make their official announcement.

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