Zatima- Part 2

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We left off with Zac getting an email from Fatima.

It's now the next morning and Zac just finished his morning workout in his home gym. He wiped his face and immediately thought about what it could be that Fatima wanted after all this time. Zac's mind wandered everywhere and he still had no idea what it could be. He showered and did his morning routine. He cooked breakfast for himself and Michael and placed it in the oven to keep warm. Zac goes to wake up Michael and make sure he does his morning routine. They pray together and then eat breakfast together. He drives Michael to school and then returns home. It's about 9 am and he calls Fatima.

Fatima had just sat down in her office chair when her phone rang.She got up and closed her office door to talk with Zac. Their conversation was awkward at first, having not heard each other's voices in four years. Soon enough the conversation is flowing easily.

"So what is it that you have to tell me?"

"Zac, I'd rather tell you in person. This is not something you do over the phone."

"Okay. I can come to you or do you want to come to Atlanta?"

"I'll come to you. How about Wednesday?"

"That's cool, that gives me plenty of time to move my schedule around on Wednesday. I don't have much to move, can you get here by 11am on Wednesday."

"Sure. I will see you then."

The rest of the day both of them completed whatever work they had to do for the next few days. Fatima books plane tickets for her and Zaid. She goes to pick up Zaid from daycare. She takes him to their favorite park to feed the ducks. Fatima uses this time to talk with Zaid about meeting his dad. Fatima had explained as best as she could to Zaid beforehand about his father. Zaid knew his name and that he lived far away from himself and Fatima. She sat Zaid down and told him that he would be meeting his dad in a few days. The way Zaid's face lit up at the mention of meeting his dad made Fatima's heart melt. They feed the ducks some more and then she tells Zaid the best part, they have to get on an airplane to meet his dad. Zaid loves getting on airplanes. Every year Fatims tries to take Zaid on a vacation somewhere that they have to fly on an airplane.

Two Days Later - Atlanta, Georgia

Fatima made sure that they were on time for their flight. Zaid was super excited. The plane ride wasn't long and Zaid stayed awake looking out of the window the whole time. Fatima used the time to finish up notes on one of her cases.

When they land Fatima calls Madam and takes Zaid to spend some time with her. Madam will watch Zaid while Fatima has her meetings. Madam has known all along where her cousin was. She was even there when Fatima gave birth and stayed with her for the first two months of Zaid's life.

"Cuz, I missed you."

"I missed you too Ti, Z Man how are you?"

"I'm good Maddy, I missed you too."

Zaid calls Madam, Maddy because he couldn't pronounce Madam. He is the only person allowed to call her that.

"How was the plane ride Z?"

"It was awesome. I saw clouds and mountains and the sun was shining bright."

"Wow, I know that was pretty cool."

"It was Maddy."

"So kid you're going to spend some time with me while Mommy takes care of some things. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes, cause I missed you." Zaid went and sat down playing on his iPad.

"Cuz, I'm nervous af. I know he's going to be furious with me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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