I Just Wanna...

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"Hey D what's up? What are you doing here?" Crystal asked as she answered the door.

"I just came to talk to my best friend."

Devale looked Crystal up and down taking in her outfit. She was dressed in biker shorts and a crop tee, her black sports bra peeking from under the shirt as she moved to let Devale in. His stare made Crystal a little uncomfortable. She moved aside as he closed the door and followed her into her den. She sat down and resumed the show she was catching up on. She looked at the show a little longer before she realized Devale was staring at her. She picked up the remote and paused the show. She looked at him and quickly looked away immediately reading the look in his eyes. Crystal knew he felt something other than friendship for her but she never thought anymore of it until that look confirmed her thoughts.

"Crys, I need to tell you something."

"What is it D?" She asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

"Kay and I are getting a divorce. We've been separated for the last six months. The boys are aware and I'm just waiting for my house to be ready."

"Why you just now telling me? I could have helped you or something."

"Because Crys, I wanted things to be close to final before I told you."

"Okay but why now?"

"Honestly, I'm starting to look at you differently. Now that I'm single...I..."

"You what?"

"I just wanna fuck the shit outta you. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. Take a look at Kay and look at you, you're just my type."

"D, you just blindsided the fuck outta me. I mean, when we met I felt something for you but I quickly put it away because you were married."

"I know and I also kinda pushed you into putting those feelings aside because Kay was always around. But Crys I'm serious. You are my type. You got ass for days, hips so right, flat stomach and titties that sit just right. You got curves out the ass and I would love to know how you feel."

"D, you can't just come in here tell me you want to fuck me and expect me to be okay with that."

Crystal got up and went to look out the window overlooking her backyard. She couldn't face him at the moment. His confession was stirring up feelings it took her years to put away. She was definitely feeling some type of way. Devale looked at her from his seat on the couch. All he saw was what he couldn't have for so long and now he could possibly have the chance to taste the forbidden. He got up and moved silently to hug Crystal from behind. Soon as he felt her ass on him, he was instantly hard. When she felt him, she quickly moved away to sit back down without looking at him.

Devale took his walk back to the couch, he studied her. In the time that they had been friends he learned to read her. Crystal was in her own mind but she was also slightly turned on. It was like when they were on set and they'd just finished filming a sex scene. She had a slight blush and her hands were balled into fists at her sides. To most people looking at her now they wouldn't think she was horny because her appearance gave angry. Devale knew that wasn't the case. She saw him move to sit down from her peripheral sight but refused to look at him.

Devale let it be quiet for a little longer before he began talking again.

"Crys, I want you. You're the total package. I know you ain't looking to fuck around right now but that's all I can offer."

"You're absolutely right. I want a relationship. Besides, us having sex will only complicate our relationship."

"No it won't if we don't let it. Think about it Crystal."

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