How Did We Get Here? Part 3

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"Nov and Eb, what's up?"

"Hey," Novi responded dryly.

"Hi," Ebony responded.

Novi didn't want to be a part of this but she had overheard a conversation that Ebony had been having on the phone. Come to find out, she knew the voice of the person Ebony was speaking with. Turns out it was her cousin, Terrence. Novi hated being a part of this but she was pulled in. She didn't want to harm Crystal nor Devale, especially now that Crystal was pregnant.

"Terrence, what you got for me?"

"Here's what I know..." Terrence told Ebony and Nova the entire story.

"Wait, so Khadeen knows that Crystal and Devale are together and she's okay with it?" Novi asked.

"Yeah, I was trying to get her to change her mind but she wouldn't."

"I understand that." Ebony said, "But shit this throws a huge wrench in my plan."

"Why can't you just leave them alone. He doesn't want you, never did and never will. So what are you doing all this for?" Novi said.

"Cause I could get him to love me." Ebony responded.

"Shit, you're just as delusional as the character you play on TV. He doesn't want you, Ebony, he loves Crystal." Terrence said, realizing he'd been working with a crazy person. "I love Khadeen but I don't think she feels the same. Especially after I tried to convince her to be mad with Devale and Crystal."

"Shit, it's really not worth it at all." Novi said, "I never wanted to be apart of this anyway."

"But that's my man not Crystal's," Ebony whined.

"Girl, get it through your thick ass skull that was never your man and he loves the hell outta Crystal. I know it may not seem like it because we have yet to see them interact outside of shooting the show but I can see it in the way they look at each other." Novi said.

"I'm done, I just wanted to get Khadeen back but I don't think this it will help at all. I fucked up!" Terrence said, punching the wall nearest to him.

"So, we are done with this. Shut this shit down Ebony cause we no longer want any part of it."

The three left the apartment and went their separate ways. Terrence wanted to try to get back with Khadeen but he knew he'd fucked up that chance. Novi was relieved but she had the feeling that Ebony wasn't going to stop. She wanted to warn Crystal and Devale but had to think of how. Terrence was mad that he'd listened to Ebony and ruined his relationship with Khadeen. They had been building something great even though Khadeen was married. He really liked her and saw a future with her. Novi walked to her car but stopped and backtracked her way to Terrence.

"Hey Tee, we gotta find a way to warn Khadeen, Crystal and Devale. I feel like Ebony is going to try to do some slick shit." Novi said.

"Yeah I know she won't leave this alone."

"So what can we do?"

"The best I can do is try to contact Khadeen but she has me blocked on everything. What about you? Can you reach out to Crystal and Devale?"

"I can try to. We are on a filming break right now but I can see what I can do."

"Please, I don't want to hurt them in any way."

"Alright, I will do my best."

Going back to her car, Novi sent a message to Crystal hoping that she would respond. Terrence got into his car and sat there for a minute. He was reevaluating his life. He wanted to change his future and include Khadeen in it. He had to make a plan and do some serious groveling and apologizing to do what he needed to get Khadeen back.

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