How Did We Get Here? Part 2

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Pulling up to Crystal's house I was a little nervous. Why? I don't know. Crystal has been my best friend for years but today going to her home felt different. As soon as I stepped out the car everything felt different. I can't really put it into words how it feels. I just feel better. Like a weight has been lifted and the way my wife reacted was not what I was expecting. Khadeen basically giving me and Crystal her blessing was not what the reaction I thought I would get. However I am grateful for the way my wife reacted. Our conversation reminded me of when we first met and then got married. She always approached every situation with clarity and maturity. I will forever be thankful to her and I know she had called Crystal, she told me earlier when I asked her about picking the kids up from school.

I made my way into the house and Crystal was in her beauty room trying to figure out what hairstyle she wanted next. I loved when she rocked her natural hair or braids. I am always amazed at how she manages all that hair. When she saw the bag from Sonic she smiled so wide.

"Thank You, D."

"So, I talked to your wife today." She said while biting her burger. This baby is definitely changing Crys, usually she doesn't eat anywhere but her kitchen or living room.

"What did yall talk about today?"

"She told me yall had talked and basically gave me the blessing for you and I to be together."

"Yeah she told me last night. She's amazing."

"Kay really is. I wasn't expecting that at all. She said it's because even though you weren't cheating she still felt you withdraw from your marriage emotionally. She's right though. I became your person."

"Crys, you're right, she was right. Even though we didn't bring up divorce, it is inevitable because I am in love with you."

When I told her that I saw her eyes change and they began to water. I've been in love with her for a while now. Even though I was married, I fell in love with Crystal. She is my light and I had to finally tell her. The air around us seemed to change. It became electrified as she looked at me. Crystal got up, put her food down and moved closer to me. She looked me in the eyes with her pretty brown ones and leaned up to me. "Devale, I love you too." I pulled her into me and kissed her until we needed to breathe. She got her breath and pulled me back in. Crystal kissed me again and I smiled. I loved this woman so much. We spent the rest of the day talking and just chilling until it was time for me to go home.

Once I was home I thought that it would be best for me to move into one of the spare bedrooms we have. I wanted to have a sit down with the boys and Khadeen soon. Khadeen and I were doing great relationship wise. I know my boys will be upset and that's okay for them. I want to have a plan in place moving forward. So that's what I am working on now, making a plan to move forward with my life.


(Khadeen's inner thoughts)

I had picked up the boys and dropped them off at home with my mom. I knew Devale wasn't there because he told me that he was at Crystal's. I really am fine with them being together. Devale and Crystal just made sense to me. I was sitting in the dark corner booth of a downtown Atlanta restaurant. I was meeting with my boo. I looked down at my phone and then up and he was across from me at the table. I hadn't even heard him sit down. I reached across the table and grabbed his hand. He smiled that wonderful smile at me and I melted.

"Hey Terrence."

"Hey Kay."

"So what's going on that you didn't want to talk over the phone?"

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