I Just Wanna... Part 2

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"Devale, we need to talk."

"What's up, Crys?"

"Where do I start?" She says as she joins him on the couch. "I ran this morning not from you...well technically, I did. But I ran from how I was feeling. I have deep feelings for you and I want more than just a quick fuck. I realized that I'm in love with you and have been for a while now. I'm talking years but I pushed my feelings away because I could never have you in that way. Now that I have the opportunity to experience something with you, you're not ready. We're not on the same page. If all you want to do is have sex with me and not deal with all of me and my needs then you need to go. I love you but I love me more."

"I hear you Crys but I don't know when I'll be ready. I love you too but I don't want a relationship right now."

"See this is why I didn't want to give in to you. Can you please just go?" She said with tears streaming down her face.

Devale wanted to hold and comfort her and ease the hurt he caused but he couldn't. He immediately regretted pressuring her to get his way. His internal conflict and her hurt caused him to feel like a complete ass. The one person he knew would always be on his side now wasn't.

"I'll go and I'm sorry Crys. I really am."

"Just go. Please don't call me, text or email unless it's about business."

"Okay I won't."

He gathered the few things he had there and left. He left his key on the table in the entryway. He got into his car and broke down. He cried sitting in Crystal's driveway cause he never wanted her to be on the receiving end of his bullshit. Shooting the next few episodes of their show was going to be hard.

Crystal pulled her knees to her chest and cried because she wanted him but he wasn't ready. She needed to move on from him but she really didn't know how. She stayed on her couch for a few hours crying her heart out. She was still sitting there when Kiara entered her home that evening. At first Kiara walked right past Crystal not noticing that she was there. But when she realized where Crystal was she noticed that something wasn't right. The tear stains on her cheeks, the dry eyes and blank stare. She thought that Crystal would be somewhere with Devale getting her back blown out. What she was seeing in front of her wasn't what she expected.

"Crys, mamas, what happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it."


"Can you just sit with me?"

"Sure mamas. You want hugs?"

"Yeah, please."

Eventually, days later, Crystal told Kiara what happened. Kiara was ready to kill Devale but Crystal begged her to let it go. Their work situation had become strained and everyone noticed. Tyler was agitated by their lack of chemistry now because it was fucking with the show. So he had them come in one day and he talked to them.

"Well, I called this meeting because something is clearly off between you two." Tyler asked.

"It is." Crystal said.

"Is this issue fixable?" He felt the tension between them.

"Right now Ty, no it's not. I need a break." Crystal responded.

"Okay that can be arranged. Crystal, we'll talk later. Gone head to hair and makeup."

Crystal left the room. Tyler turned and looked at a silent Devale.

"What the hell man?"

"Some things went down between Crys and I. I'm getting a divorce and I messed up my relationship with Crys by being selfish. Now she hates me."

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