nine (ten years later)

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A lot can happen in ten years, especially if you are Aeryn Targaryen. Let's start from the beginning.

Weeks had passed since the wedding of Rhaenyra and Laenor and they were still not with Child. Eventually they determined that Laenor was infertile and cannot produce heir. In a desperate attempt to have a child, Rhaenyra went to  Aeryn for help.

Aeryn agreed to have a child with Rhaenyra and call it Laenors baby. It was a success and Rhaenyra delivered two babes, one girl, one boy, who she named Baelon and Aeryn named the girl Aemma, after their brother and mother who died.

Rhaenyra had three more children, Jacaerys Velaryon, Lucerys Velaryon and Joffrey Velaryon, all with Ser Harwin, the only ones who know are Laenor and Aeryn.

As promised, Aeryn named Baelon as Rhaenyras heir. Baelon would take the throne after Rhaenyra.

Alicent was no happy by this because it pushed her children farther down as heirs.

Ah yes, let's get into what happened with Alicent and Aeryn.

Five years after the wedding, Aeryn was spending time with his brother, Aegon, when he started noticing how seven year old Aegon acted and looked just like Aeryn did when he was younger.

Aeryn started doing some calculations and decided to confront Alicent one morning.

Alicent ended up admitting to it, Aeryn was furious, and after that moment he started spending more time with Aegon. Soon Viserys found out. Was he mad? Yes. He held no grudges for such things in the past, all he wanted was for his family in the present to be together.

Viserys and Aeryn agreed that Aegon deserves to know who his real father is, but that it cannot get out to the public or it could ruin not only his and Alicent future, but that Aegon would be branded a bastard. So they kept it secret from the outside world. Only family knew.

Aeryn became a good father to Aegon, he always tried his best to be there for him. When Aeryn started noticing how Alicent would pressure Aegon because he was the eldest, Aeryn would always be there to comfort Aegon.

Same with Baelon. Baelon knew his father  wasn't Laenor, and knew that only three people knew who his real father is. House of the dragon was built on secrets and lies and Aeryn hated it, but for the good of the realm and the Targaryen dynasty, some secrets were best left buried.

Aeryn spent the remaining years with his children and family. In his free time he would study, he wanted to be a good king.

As for Aeryn personally, he could have been better. Some nights he would dream of dragons, and wake up with his left arm slightly covered in very transparent scales as if he were a dragon. Aeryn knew it was the warning from the witch.

His skin had become tougher, still penetrable of hit with enough force,but as far as getting stabbed goes, he rarely works.

Now that you are all caught up with the past 10 years, let's get started with the drama.

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