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Returning back from being with his father, Aeryn, without permission, took off into the woods. Aeryn had lots to think about and being in the forest gave him the peace he needed to think.

Eventually he came across a stream, the water was crystal clear, the leaves on the trees were newfangled. Some were orange, some were green, some were both. It was mesmerizing.

Just lying there next to the stream, night fall came quick. Instead of heading back to that godforsaken place, Aeryn just gathered twigs, sticks, anything flammable, and made himself a fire. The fire did not burn Aeryn as he kept running his hand through it. The sensation was weird. He felt the heat, but it did not hurt.

Soon Aeryn found himself drifting off, no stress, just him and nature. And soon, Aeryn was asleep next to the fire.


Awoken by the sounds of the soft water moving down the stream, Aeryn takes in his surroundings. He smiled as he realized he woke in nature. Oh, how he wished it could be like this all the time.

After getting up, he heads back to where his father was. As he makes it there, he sees everyone looking at something. It was Rhaenyra, covered in blood. Running up to his sister, Aeryn stares at her. "Mind explaining what happened?" Rhaenyra looked at her twin and said nonchalantly, "I killed a boar." Aeryn's eyes widen, "Well you must have had an entertaining night."

Soon enough they were back at Kings Landing.


The next morning Rhaenyra enters the council chambers to hear yelling. It was Aeryn and Viserys. "What is going on?" She asked as she sat in one of the seats. Aeryn looked as if he were about to explode. "Father wants me to wed you." Rhaenyra looks at her in shock. "You must be joking?" Viserys rubs his hand up and down his face. "A marriage between you two would strengthen us. Rhaenyra would be queen; you could produce heirs to the throne." Aeryn scoffs. "And if we reject? will you replace me? With Alicent Hightowers son? the boy you always wanted."

Viserys looks at his son in disbelief for what he said. "You've misjudged me, Aeryn." Aeryn tilts his head with furrowed eyebrows, "Have i? How long will it take before those vultures deem a faggot unworthy of the Iron Throne? Sure, i may like woman but i also like men, tell me father, do you think they'll allow it?"

Viserys leans against the table. "It is true that as rulers, we must marry for advantages. You both have always understood this. i to was promised to your mother when i was-" Both twins cut off their father, "Ten-and-seven years of age." Aeryn rubs his face, "We know this father. We've heard this story since we've had ears." Viserys watched his children carefully. "I loved her, and she made a man of me, maybe Rhaenyra could make a man of you, Aeryn." Viserys begins to raise his voice. "I don't want to replace you, Aeryn." Aeryn stares at his father. "You've both been alone these past few years, only having each other's company, I will not live forever, i wish to see you both contempt, happy together." Viserys knew deep down he couldn't control his kids.

"You both must marry, Aeryn you must strengthen your claim. If you both are not to marry each other, pick for yourself, but you both must marry someone." Viserys says, having now a gentle tone as he spoke to his kids. "Seek them out, find someone that pleases you. As i did." Aeryn and Rhaenyra were taken back by this. So, their father did love Alicent.


Taking his father's advice, Aeryn bid farewell to his father and sister before climbing up onto Valarr. "I will see you all when i return. Fly." Taking flight, Aeryn smiles down at them as he leaves, off the Winterfell to meet with a lady his father set him up with for marriage.


Finally arriving in Winterfell, Aeryn climbs off Valarr and is greeted by its Lord Stark. "Hello my prince." Aeryn nods towards Lord Stark. "Hello my Lord." Stark stands up straighter, "I trust your flight here was good." Aeryn let out a laugh. "The winds of the north did not bode well with Valarr." Both turned as they watch Valarr snarl at two knights assigned to watch him. "Careful boys, he ate a knight from Baratheon's castle yesterday." Both knights visibly tense up.

Aeryn chuckles, look back at the stark. "He didn't, I just love a good scare."Lord Stark slightly laughs. "Well, shall we?" Aeryn nods, gesturing for Stark to lead the way. "This place is a rather big change from kings landing." Aerynsaid, cause Cregan to nod. "Nothing but snow and cold over here."

Finally walking inside, Aeryn notices a young girl, maybe twelve or thirtee, sitting there. Noticing her father and the prince, Lynara stands up. "My Prince." Lyara greets Aeryn with a bow.

Aeryn stands straighter, mouth gape. His father set up for him to wed a child. "Lady Lyara." Aeryn smiles, offering his hand to the girl. "Well, I'll leave you two." Cregan said, leaving his daughter with Aeryn. turning and walking away.

Lyara stares at the prince before looking down at her feet. "I wish to wed you, and give you many heirs, to help you when you are sick and need help." The small girl said, monotonal.

Aeryn sighs, bending down to look at the small girl. "Did you father tell you to say that, Lyara." Lyara's small head nods, as she continues to look down at her feet.

Aeryn felt sick to his stomach. "Have you bled yet?" Lyara shakes her head. "Then we are not to marry." The little girl looks up, smiling. Aeryn smiles back at the girl. "Thank you, my prince." Reaching into her dress pocket, Lyara pulls out a flower. "This is the only flower ever to grow in tree cold conditions in the north, I would like for you to have it." Aeryn reaches out and grabs the flower. "I will cherish it dearly." Putting the flower into his small sack pack that he carries, Aeryn stands back up. "You may go now if you want, Lady Lyara." Lyara nods and runs off.

"That was a kind thing you did for her." Turning around, Aeryn sees a man around his age, standing there. "She is but a child." The man scoffs, "most lords don't care about age, as long as they have virtue and an untouched cunt." Aeryn couldn't agree more. "Well I'm not a Lord." Aeryn gives a cheeky grin. "Oh I know who you are, Prince Aeryn, first of your name." Aeryn hums. "And I have yet to hear your name."

The man holds his hand out. "Ron Stark." A yes, the brother of Cregan, second Son. "Well Ron Stark, I'm not going anywhere tonight so are you going to show me a good time or shall I head to the guest chambers?" Ron laughs. "As you wish, my prince." The two walk towards Ron's chambers. "Please tell me you have something to drink." Ron nods, pointing towards the cupboard. Grabbing two cups, Aeryn pours the liquid.

"So, did you really come this far North just to find a woman to wed?" Ron asks Aeryn who hands him the cup. "Not by choice. My fathers decision." Aeryn said, sitting down. "The burden of being named prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne, I suppose." Ron watched Aeryn speak, the sound of his voice, the way his vibrant, purple eyes sparkle. "Why not run away? You have the oldest, most power dragon at your service, fly far away and never come back." Aeryn laughs. "I want to be king. It's my birth right. I just don't want to wed to young women." Ron raises his eyebrow. "What about a Lord then?"

"Yeah, it's bad enough a man loving man is heir to the Iron Throne, but two kings? King landing would implode." There has never been two kings, and never will be.

Ron takes the cup from Aeryns hand, looking into his eyes. "How about we finish drinking." Aeryn and Ron stare at each other before Ron starts to move closer.

Soon the two had their lips locked in a fierce battle. Ron pushed Aeryn onto his bed, getting on top of him.

Aeryn pulls back from the kiss. "This is a one time thing." Ron nods. "Couldn't agree more, my prince. Now respectfully shut up and let me please you."


🌚 hehe.

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