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Three years. It has been three years since Aeryn talked to Alicent. Aeryn still talks with his father, sure it was awkward at first to even be around him, but Viserys was his father. Aeryn isn't one to hold grudges, but Alicent wasted no time in spending with King Viserys after the death of his mother.

Rhaenyra and Aeryn still see each other every day. They are always seen with one another walking down the hallways. 

Aeryn still goes for rides on Valarr, making sure to give the dragon as much as exercise as possible. Oh, and Aeryn now has a brother, and today is his second name day. Aeryn didn't resent his brother, Aegon. He was but a boy. A boy who now poses a threat to Aeryn as heir. Aeryn isn't stupid, he knows Otto and some others are trying to get young Aegon onto the Iron Throne. Aeryn was not going to give it up without a fight. 

And now, in present time, Aeryn is sitting with his sister underneath a tree, watching the cloud as his sister reads a book. Aeryn listens as Samwell sings a song. Listening to Samwell sing while watching the clouds was not a bad thing. 

"Again." Rhaenyra commands, as Samwell finishes the song, not looking up from her book. "Perhaps, the prince and princess might like to hear something else?" Aeryn looks from the sky to Samwell. "They would not, play it again." Samwell nods and begins the song over again. 

Samwell suddenly stops, confusing Aeryn. "Your Grace." he says, causing Aeryn too close his eyes and take a deep breath. Of course, she would be out here. "Continue playing, please." Aeryn says, not even giving Alicent a glance. Samwell bows his head and begins the song again. 

Alicent stands there for a moment, staring at her once best friends. "Rhaenyra, Aeryn." The twins give each other a glance and Aeryn rolls his eyes. "Yes, My Queen?" The twins say in unison. Alicent smiled slightly, this is the most they've said to her in years. "Your presence is required in the outer courtyard. The royal hunt readies to depart." Alicent tells the twins, rubbing her belly where her baby bump is. 

Aeryn, for the first time in three years, looks at Alicent. "We know, we decided to stay here instead." Alicent knew they wouldn't listen with Samwell still there. "You may go, Samwell."

Samwell begins to get up and leave when Aeryn spoke up, "You are to stay by the order of the prince."  Alicent was not going to lose this. "The queen commands you to leave the Godswood at once." Poor Samwell truly looked lost. Should he listen to the heir of the Iron Throne, or the queen. 

Eventually Samwell leaves, sending apologies to the twins. Alicent walks more towards the twins. "The king wishes for you to join us." Aeryn scoffs. "He seems to have other priorities and other things to celebrate, he does not need us." Alicent was not going to take a no. "He wants for us to all be together." The way she said it made it seem as if they were one big happy family. "Perhaps, the hunt could be... fun." 

Aeryn was starting to feel bad now. Alicent had made multiple attempts to speak with he and his sister, but this is the first time Shes been so persistent. "Is it the kings command?" Rhaenyra asks. "Yes, but it-" Aeryn cuts Alicent off, "Then at once, stepmother." Standing up and holding out his hand, Rhaenyra grabs it and the two begin to walk away. 

Alicent wasn't going to let them go til she speaks her truth. "But it needn't be. It needn't be this way in truth, Aeryn, Rhaenyra." Aeryn nor Rhaenyra stopped, no matter how much deep inside Aeryn really wanted too. 

To make it worse, they were now all crammed into a small carriage. "Well, isn't this splendid." Viserys begins, with a cup in his hand. "The whole of our family off the celebration and adventure in the kingswood." Despite how much it hurt to be referred as a family, Aeryn wore a smile on his face. All his father wanted was for all his children and wife to be together. 

The carriage went over a few pumps, causing Alicent to squirm with her hand on her belly. Aeryn looks over and with a furrowed brow, asks, "Should you even be traveling? You look like you are ready to pop." Alicent laughs slightly, trying to hide her pain. "The maesters said that being out in nature would do me well." Viserys looks at Rhaenyra. "You will be with your own child sooner or later, make me a proud grandsire." Aeryn laughs when he pictures Rhaenyra as a mother but covers it with a cough when he sees her glaring at him. "It's not so bad." Alicent tried to comfort Rhaenyra with the thought. "The days are long but, Aegon came quickly and without fuss." The carriage went quiet again.

Viserys once again broke the silence. "You should ride out with me today. Join in the chase." Last time Aeryn was around for a royal hunt, his father said he was too young to help. "I'd love to join you father." Visery smiles and reaches over, patting his son on the shoulder. 

Viserys tried asking Rhaenyra to come too but she declined, starting a minor argument with their father. Aeryn didn't blame Rhaenyra for being so distant with their father. He had married the girl that has been friends with his children since they were very young. 


Finally, they arrive at their destination. Aeryn could not wait to leave that damn carriage. 

After walking around the inside for a bit, Aeryn decided to walk outside, where woman gushed and blushed as he walked by them. Aeryn scoffed, the only reason these women are even acting like this is because Aeryn is good looking and has a title, if he had neither no one would be trying to swallow his cock. 

As Aeryn continues walking, he sees his sister storming off, away from Jason Lannister. Running to catch up with his sister, he run up beside her. "May I ask why you look like you are about to breathe fire?" Rhaenyra looks at her brother as she continues walking, "One of fathers failed attempts to wed me." Aeryn cringes. "Ew, with Jason Lannister of all people?" Aeryn follows his sister as she enters the large yurt. 

"A prize to proffer about the great houses?" Rhaenyra questions as she and Aeryn walk up to Viserys who turns to look at them. Viserys sighs, knowing he messed up. "You are of age, Rhaenyra. And Jason Lannister is an excellent match." Aeryn chuckled, getting his father's attention. "Jason Lannister doesn't know which hole to put his cock in, what makes you think he knows how to treat a woman." Before Viserys can talk back to his son. Rhaenyra takes over. "He is also arrogant and self-serious." Viserys voice was now just above a whisper, "Well i thought you might have that in common." Aeryn let out an 'oooo' as his eyes widen, earning him a glare from both his sister and father. "Do you mind brother?" Aeryn shrugs before walking away. "I was enjoying the show." Aeryn whispered. 


Continuing to walk around the yurt, Aeryn accidentally bumps into someone. When he looks to see who it was, he sees Alicent. "I am sorry, your grace." Aeryn goes to leave but Alicent catches his arm. "May we talk, Aeryn?" Aeryn looks reluctant, trying so hard to come up with an excuse to not talk to Alicent. "Please, i have had a proper conversation with you in years." Aeryn sighs, running a hand through his Platinum white hair. "Make it quick." Alicent gestures for Aeryn to follow her and soon enough they were far enough away where they can talk freely. "Listen, marrying your father, having Aegon, it makes me happy, but not having you in my life anymore, it saddens me."

Aeryn raises an eyebrow. "You were dishonest with me, you were secretly talking with my father behind my back, you are carrying his child, Alicent. This isn't easy. After what happened between us in my chambers, then finding out you were to wed my father, it was shocking, and embarrassing." Alicent listened to Aeryn rant. 

Alicent wanted to tell Aeryn everything, how her father wanted her to visit the king, how he manipulated everything, but she couldn't. "I AM sorry, Aeryn. It wasn't something I could just say. Plus, your father asked me not to tell you. He feared you wouldn't understand." 

Before they could continue talking, a knight came over to them. "Your Grace, My prince." The knight greeted them. "The king wishes to inform you that they are leaving for the hunt." Aeryn nods, looking back over to Alicent. "We will finish this conversation another time."

Time to go on a hunt with his father.


I am on a roll with these updates!

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