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The Targaryens are cursed. Bound to always lose the things they love. The things they love always turn to ashes. On the morrow word had spread about Lady Laenas death. She would have died during child birth but instead she chose to have Vhagar kill her, a quick death compared to what would have happened if she didn't think fast.

Now, everyone was in driftmark for her funeral. Where the Targaryens burn their body, the Velaryons sink their bodies to the bottom of the ocean. And that is what will happen to Lady Laenas body.

There was a reason everyone nicknamed Aeryn as the father of dragons. They say dragons will never obey anyone they aren't bonded too. But whenever a dragon sees Aeryn, they never try to attack. Ever since Aeryn claimed Valarr. Valarr was the biggest baddest dragon around, maybe the dragons know that Aeryn is the rider of Valarr. Whatever the case, Aeryn loves every dragon he sees. Right now as everyone is down paying respects to the Velaryons, Aeryn was above, on the rocks where the dragons sit. He was walking by, letting every single one while above him, Vhagar and Valar fly together. Before Aegon the Conquerors wife, Visenya, died, Valarr and Vhagar were a mated pair.

So now that they are finally seeing each other after so long, it must be amazing for them.

Aeryn would rather be up here with the dragons than down there. His mother perished the same fate, besides the dying to fire part.

As Aeryn comes down from the hills, he is greeted by his son, but not in a good way. "Did you know mother betrothed me to Helaena." Aeryn was shocked to say the least. "No, she did not." Aegon looked as if he were about to puke. "She an idiot." Aeryn gave his son a warning stare. "Aegon." Aegon put his hands up in surrender. "Sorry father." Aeryn excused himself and went over to Alicent who was currently alone. "Don't you think it's best to tell me when and who you are going to wed my son too." Alicent looked at Aeryn. "Our son." She corrected him. "Right our son, and I am your future king, I have a right to the affairs of my own family." Aeryn whispered yelled. There were some here who did not know Aegon was Aeryns son. "I talked over it with Viserys." Aeryn scoffed. "Great, everyone but his father." Alicent looked as if she had enough. "Ok, listen, I am marrying them to each other to strengthen the Valyrian bloodline in their veins." Aeryn didnt believe that. "It's quite convenient is it not?" Alicent looked confused. "You wed Helaena to Aegon after Rhaenyras proposal." Alicent rolled her eyes. "Whatever you may think-" Aeryn cut her off. "Listen I don't care. Just next time keep me informed when you wish to do something with OUR son." Aeryn didn't give Alicent a chance to respond as he walked away.


Soon enough it was dark. Aeryn, who still wandered around, walked the beach. He had no desire to be around anyone.

As he walked the beach he heard a loud growl. Walking towards it he sees Aemond next to Valarr and Vhagar. Oh no.

Running up to his younger brother, Aeryn pulls him behind him, awaiting the dragon fire. It never came. Opening his eyes he sees Vhagar just looking at him or more so at aemond. They were starting to bond. "Aemond, say it. Say Dohaeras and Lykiri." Aemond knew exactly what his older brother was talking about.

"Dohaeras! Dohaeras, Vhagar! Lykiri! Lykiri!" Vhagar shuts her mouth, staring and sniffing Aemond. The bond was complete. "Climb up her Aemond." Aemond did as his brother told him too.

Aeryn moved to the other side of Vhagar, over to Valarr who was waiting for him. Climbing up Valarr, Aeryn looks at both dragons. "Fly." They both listened. Both taking off into the sky.

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