The murder

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Kirti's  first story  book doing wonders becomes  the highest  sold story book ,the publishier  were over the moon ,they doubled  the royalty for Kirti, they even asked Kirti the make a sequence  of the story..Kirti too was very happy  and excited  her story is doing so well...but she didn't  like the idea of sequence, Caz she feels there is  nothing  in the story which is to be starched and it was a murder  Mistry  ,these  kind of stories  should  be precisely short and with a end not a sequel. And she wants to try. Something  new now, like romantic  stories.
Her relationship  with her girl is not traditional  type of course  one thing is they were  a lesbian  couple  ,Second both are not some fairy tale  ideas of love ,they both are pretty mature they are  both fine with their own  type of bond ,it just that Kirti sometime  feel  suchita is more interested  in physical  need than emotional ,Kirti too won't mind  it ,it just sometime  she miss being listened, being pampered ,she felt her relationship  with suchita  is very practical  . Just a month ago ,as the publishing  ceremony  of  her  first story  book Kirti wanted suchita to be there ,she wanted her gf to meet her mother, she knew it's not easy to introduce  Suchita as her gf ,still she wanted  her to meet her mom,be there ,as she's  having  such a important  day in her life. Suchita didn't  show up at the event  after promising  to come ,and later on she shouted on Kirti, not to be a cry baby about it. She told Kirti clearly  ,she don't want  any public display  of their  relationship  ,and she's  never openly  gonna accept  being a lesbian.

Kirti herself  not a big fan a public  display  of her relationship still she wanted Suchita  to show up at the event as a friend, but she didn't, Kirti felt Suchita  wants her more in a bedroom   than  any other place ,it's kind  of making her sad.. but she don't want  to be  alone and lonely  ,so she's  sticking  up with the relationship.

Kirti  telling  herself it's a  good in a way she don't have time and patience for a real  relationship, she's  doing  great in her professional life ,and her gf always give her space ,never any jealousy  issues,no restrictions, she's  in a relationship  without  any relationship  side effects, she saw her fellow friends have to invest  so much in her bf/ gf she's  like  oh god I  can't  do that ,at the same time, some part of her miss that kind of relationship, human mind is a Mistry box ,you never know what it wants.

One morning  kirti's  phone rings ,her publisher wants her to meet urgently ,the have some news/deal for her.kirti a little  rattled as the publishier constantly bugging  her about the sequence of her story when multiple  times  her turned down that offer,she even told the publishier  ,if they want they can have the story's sequence  with another  writer ,she won't mind  it ,and give all the required  technical permission  to do so as the original  story was hers. Now this call make her wonder ,what the publishier  came up with ?

Kirti reached the publishing  house office  . She 's welcomed  by Mr Das the editior of her book and some management  peoples. 
Mr Das : good morning  Kirti, how are you?

Kirti: hello Mr Das ,I am good ,nice to meet you, hope we are not talking  about the story's sequel, Caz I made it very clear last time we meet that I don't want  it.

Mr .Das : laughed ..ohh dear ,I love your straightforwardness ,no dear relax ,we are not going for the sequel .
In fact we are going for the  original story one more time.

Kirti: all confused.. oh you lost me completely  ,I didn't  get that at all ,what do you mean by going  for the original  story ?

Mr Das : means Kirti the famous  movie  production  house" Jk"wants to make a movie  on your story ,isn't that exciting?

Kirti: jumping  on her chair ,what are you serious  ,(and Mr. Das too clap her hand in joy )

Mr Das: 100 percent serious ,you rock Kirti, now there is  no looking  back ,the" JK" just wann  rewrite the story more adopted to a 2 and half hr movie.

Kirti : ohh sure ,I totally  understand  that, oh I don't believe  this ,it's such a big opportunity, thanks  Mr Das, I own you and your pushing house big time. Thank you so much.

Mr Das: well I must say  depite being a good story your very lucky ,as you got such a big opportunity  so early in your career ,you should  grab it with both hands .

Kirti : ya I absolutely  agree, this is a big opportunity, many senior  writer didn't  get that opportunity ,and I did ,I make sure I deliver the best.

Mr Das : that's the spirit, so should  we arrange  the  meeting  with the "JK "production  house ?

Kirti : yesss ,as early  as  possible, Mr Das can I ask you  something  ,pls be honest

Mr .Das : looking  at  Kirti curiously  of course  ,you can ask anything,and you know I am  a honest  person, and smile  mischievously.

Kirti : she too smiled ,yes your a a honest  person  I know, do you  really  feel  ,my story is that good ? Or am I missing   something  here ,such a big opportunity ,to some new writer like me ? Isn't  some catch here ?

Mr Das: hmm ,honestly  ,I am a little  supried  too ,your murder Mistry  story is Damm good ,it's doing wonders no doute but ....

Kirti : yess but ,it's too much to asked by a movie maker ,right?

Mr Das : Kirti do you remembered  we invited some big rank police offers at the launch of your book .

Kirti : yess I do remembered, I boomed in to a lady Officer  at the parking  lot ,what about  it?

Mr Das : actually  just the next day ,I was called by a lady Officer  telling  me  ,some murder is done the same way described  in your latest published  book, and I....

Kirti: what ?? Why didn't  you  tell  me  that ,omg, I don't  believe  this, some Officer  called you  ,still you didn't..

Mr  Das: Kirti relaxed, I didn't want  to  spoil your  party, your book is doing so great, and all ,but I think your story has that thing where the murder got escaped  ,so may be it ..exciting for some criminal  minded people.

Kirti : hmm ,still I want to know  about  the  lady Officer  who called you, maybe that's what the JK production  house  too finding  interesting. I have to know everything  before  I signed  the movie.

Mr Das : no Kirti, you should  signed the movie, it's a life time  chance.

Kirti : I know  sir ,still I wann know  everything  ,it's for my soul. Hope you understand.  

A/N : like the update? Let me  know  in comments, thanks of reading  .

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