Priya ....the IPS OFFICER

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Kirti  was totally  shocked, what she heard from Mr. Das ..someone  murdered  in the city as described in her story. She was feeling  geulty and the same  time her brain was telling  her not to blame was just a story she written  she never wanted anyone  ever to be hurt. She was a very sensitive  person  alway got a good intention, humble  ,self made woman ,she's  her own way of living  her life ,but she always respected everyone  around her and their opinion, she will think  thrice before  hurting  someone  emotionally  forget hurting  anyone  physically  ,she never believed in that ,still...she was feeling  a sharp pain in her chest  as may be may be ....someone  got killed  cause she written  some....mysterious murder story ,that thought  not letting  her breathe.she wanted to reach out  to the lady police  Officer  ,she was hoping it must be some misunderstanding....this can't be  Possible, how could  someone  be killed as written  in my story. (Kirti thinking as she was driving   to the police  headquarter)

Kirti: (to the police  officer  sitting  just outside Priya Sharma 's officer ) hello sir I wann meet your senior  officer  Priya..?

The police offer : looking  at  Kirti...,you mean  Sharma madam?

Kirti: ohh yes Priya Sharma, if you pls let her name is Kirti  I am a writer.

The police  officer: well you just missed her, she went for her regular  check up duties, at different  police  stations under this headquarter.

Kirti: ohh!can we contact her by some way ...on her cell number  may be?

The police  officer: No madam, I don't have that authority  to give you her cell number, I am  afraid  you have to wait till she comes back.. or I will give you appointment of tomorrow if its fine with you.

Kirti: really  frustrated  ..hmm OK let's do that, give me tomorrow 's appointment .

Kirti ... drive back her place ,her head was spinning...she haven't  eat feeling  weak too,her apetite was already  gone, she was thinking  again and  again....and the murder  she written  in her story  in which ..The main character Raghav killed his friend a unique  method  ,so no clue is left ,no murder  weapon  can be found,  he killed his friend by solid  ice stick ,the one which he found  in the old freez  which not used..long time  kind of freez solid  stick of ice which he penetrate  in sahil his friends stomach the sharp edge  of the  ice stick cuts his intestine  and rip his internal cirulalaton  of blood....excessive  blooding  results  in sahil's death

Kirti  wake up suddenly  as she lay down  on her bed ,it was a long day for her ...and she visualised  her murder mystery  story ...goosebumps  felt on her body is that really  done by someone  in real...and she lie down on bed geulty ,tired and  frustrated. At this moment  she don't want to be lonely and keep thinking  about the same event again and again ,she thought of calling  Suchita

Kirti: calling  on her gf 's mobile...

Suchita : picked  the call..heyy's so..late....!!

Kirti: hey...I didn't  see the time,just feeling  so lonely, can you come over to my place right now?

Suchita: dead in sleep...ahhh what...ohh come on Kirti  it's almost come I, right now,just let me sleep..and cut the call.

Kirti: really  angry, could  she just cut the's not everyday I call her at midnight, at least  she should  had asked me why I called late?why I sound  vulnerable..but no just  cut me,I hate her.

She was really  upset with everything  right now ,and Suchita just added to her a frustration is this really  a relationship...she just don't care about  me..i am not a toy she wann play when her mood is good,I am  avoiding  this for a long time now ..I don't want  this  kind  of relationship..I am breaking  up  with  her tomorrow  morning...Kirti decided that and .as she was about  to go to sleep her phone rings.... Kirti...picked the call Immediately  and shouted angrily.
Kirti: ohhh ,what now you wann talk ,how could  you so cold hearted ..

The caller: excuse  me, is it Kirti sen I am Priya Sharma, I heard you came to meet wanted to check if something  serious..sorry  maybe  wrong timing  ..

Kirti: ohhhh....noooo don't you be sorry  ,I am  so's was actually, my gf ..I mean  she just and I know..oh god I don't know what I am  saying...pardon  me

Priya: just can't control her laughter..and started laughing out loude...oh dear...relax....I must say  your fun to talk...seems like your life got lots of drama miss writer,isn't  it?

Kirti: As she heard Priya laughed  out loude, and tease her about she assuming  Priya to be her gf...made Kirti smile...well  yes you can say that officer, by the way you got beautiful  laugh....are you really  An IPS officer?

Priya: why? Aren't the police  officer  supposed  to laugh ,is that a crime miss writer.

Kirti: I think you don't remember  my name its Kirti, and just trying  to match your light tone, of course  you can laugh .

Priya: giggling, I do remembered  your name ,miss Kirti.. I do. I think  it's really  late,so I let you  sleep ..I have an idea why you came to meet me today ,I just talked  to Mr. Das and got your mobile  number  from him.if your comfortable  I will come to meet you tomorrow, at your place we can talk.

Kirti: hmm ...ohh really  your coming  to meet me personally  at my place ,wow,it that too special treatment  to someone  like me?

Priya: No of course  not deserve  it. But if your not comfortable  with this we can

Kirti: ohh noo ,of course  I love to meet you at my place ,it will  be more comfortable, most welcome  at my place,just ring me before  you come.

Priya: sure, and don't be stressed  ok,by the way  your gf seems lucky  one she got you.

Kirti: smiled, ahh.....well...sorry about that I thought  it's my gf and it was you.

Priya:'s fine ,tc ,gn.

Kirti:you too ,gn.

Kirti was feeling  so relaxed and clam  .wow ..her laugh...she seems  such  a sweet person, made me feel so clam and relaxed....I was expecting  that from  my gf...well ...never-mind.. I am ending  it anyone..honestly now i am really  excited  to meet Priya.

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